OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Shut your mouth Trailer park Princess Valentina. You are not on topic.

    My question still not answer. Why is Fury clan not change to ZAFT Fury since they are family? Fury have no loyalty to ZAFT or embarrassed to associate with ZAFT and only need their funds and protection?
  2. Musang man you've got to stop typing like that. Everytime I read you're posts I just hear a redneck
  3. I don't think that's the case. Their osw with MG showed they're one of the solo clans capable of maintaining a high level of osw alone. And joining an alliance doesn't mean you have to change your name.
  4. What have you got against Appalachian Americans? 
  5. You don't have to go to the Appalachians to meet/see rednecks they're in every state in the country (ever been to upper state New York? ...seriously) and from this thread looks like they're worldwide ️

  6. Fury is not and alliances with ZAFT. Fury is a ZAFT family. Why would they get special previliges over other ZAFT family without changing clan name to ZAFT Fury?
  7. Only fury and zaft know. Maybe all the other zaft clans wanted the zaft name, and fury likes their name how it is.

    Assumptions and speculations though only appear as ignorance.
  8. If Laoda still the leader of ZAFT. He would never let this happen. He and friends build ZAFT with pride. That's why they always put ZAFT in front of the name of new family. They always done this not only in KAW but other game too. He wouldn't lower ZAFT standard for extra safety. He is smart enough if new family join and refused to wear ZAFT tag. He knows that family is not loyal to ZAFT.

  9. It has nothing to do with loyalty. Fury has built a name for themselves. All they did was join a clan without sacrificing their individuality at the same time. It's simple really.
  10. Lotz

  11. I don't think that simple. ZAFT in the past only recruit new family with proven capability and war history. Otherwise they wouldn't be accepted by ZAFT. Why would Fury special in any other way? ZAFT family supposed to be equal. Doesn't mean Fury fought iG give them special privileges to refused wearing ZAFT tag
  12. The first part is entirely inaccurate. Zaft has taken in clans that have no osw experience, but that's besides the point.

    What I'm saying is why speculate, and grasp for straws in looking for an insult when you have no idea of the curcumstances behind the zaft/fury joining?

    Maybe in the past the other clans that wanted to join zaft wanted to add zaft to their name, and fury is the first to stick with their name. Who knows? That's my point. Your looking for an insult, where there isn't one.
  13. She got violated as a grown women. Lol
  14. TNT you know that's not true. In the past ZAFT rules always put ZAFT in front of their name so KAW community identified them easier and also show their loyalty and be visible to everyone.

  15. Times change. Still my point stands, you don't know why they didn't do a name change, yet you are trying to insult it
  16. My guess is ZAFT so disparate of new family after few family left them. They bend over to Fury just to pretend they are family too. This is a win win for Fury by making a once a proud very tight knit family bow down to them
  17. Tnt why do you even protect zaft and fury? You should just join up with them if you like to kiss up to them... You should let fury or zaft answer the question instead of you sucking up to them...
  18. Also they should try answering my question too... What happened to being pinned 24/7/365? You can probably answer that also tnt but keep kissing their *** tnt i think its working so one Day you might be able to call yourself a Zaft's puppet
  19. Protecting? Who says I'm protecting? I'm just pointing out an obvious flaw in musangs attempt to insult.

    If he said "zaft never hits me", I would not comment on that, because I have no idea if zaft hits him.

    But for him to make assumptions on why fury hasn't changed their name in an attempt to insult, that is ignorance that can be pointed out.
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