Ooo changing topics from NA's super players. Uniquely NA. Hint: Still no one comments on super players abilities of insaneindabrain and redhotcandy. Hmmm. They are able to grow massively from EB in such a short amount of time. These are the true NA Legends. Anyway be my guest. Bye!
NA method. All who post things against their beliefs must be females. I noticed NA has been doing it for many many people. Any reason?
So how does that work? Who Represents New Age? I did read what was typed out. It says New Age has one vote. How does the vote come about?
The subject was still on NA's superhumans, like Twicc, insaneindabrain and redhotcandy. Why attempt to change subject to about you and your battle losses?
Is it NA forum method to do this multiple times instead of posting constructive counters? First accuse players to be Apple. Now accuse players to be Freeze. Next?
Oh, NA's superhumans are too secretive to continue with it? Okok let it go since it must be a hidden secret and NA will not divulge how they recruited superhuman
Yeah I'm Freeze. You caught me. Love NAs assumptions. What more do you want us to do? NA all down to max plunder or no allies at all. Twicc and mickey on Sleep deprivation watch. Yeah I'm pretty good getting 6-9 hours a day. Let's ask twicc about his sleep. Surely he can come to forums and explain. If you want you can check his eb history too!
With allies like yours I would sleep 12 hours a day.You have nothing to lose lol. If you truly believe we don't do nothing to you. You would build BFA to defeat Twicc tower
Yeah let me just nob up like Twicc did after his hilarious reset. I wish I could find that again in forums. Twicc Tower is a great build name! Glad you thought of it. Maybe the Twicc Tower build could add attack buildings too, but I think he's afraid of spies . Thieves in The Night. inform me please when Twicc waits up from his 2 hour naps. Thanks.
Now they are complaining we have no BFAs. Many of us are like me, play slowly to grow. Have not even BCed, so don't bother to really build BFAs. I sleep long hours a day. Certainly no insomnia. Even with few months old kid. No kaw worries. Good life.
Example if RedStar can afford to nob up to become untouchable into this game. With all those hundred of thousand of dollars he spend on this game. Wouldn't he train his house keeper to play KAW when he sleeps If I'm that rich o would do the same. This is just my theory