OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Ok so you still don't get it do you? Can't you tell that you guys are basically useless? You guys are nothing already so why ask us to give you guys incs if Zaft "Your Queen" gives us a better fight than LoS/RoH/Yafi combined?
  2. Ah here comes the NA strategy again.

    Unable to counter with logic, immediately send personal and character attacks

    We seen it plenty for past 7 months.
  3. Seems like according to NA, they are the best clan in the whole world with the best osw strategy

    Definitely they are so good that even over 1000 players on them and they will win and crush everyone! NA is the king of OSWs!

    Seriously it looks like only NA members will believe and post that. Wonder which other clan will post similar claims about their clan
  4. Yeah it's been 7 months hasn't it freeze? But damn what have you guys done? Nothing right?
    You want logic right? Ok heres a sample for you so you can stop crying about no incs...

    HTE compared to Haunting = a better payout right?
    LoS/RoH/Yafail compared to Zaft are basically puppets... So why go for the puppet instead of going for the Queen? And an example on that is the strips that we succeeded on...
    Tell me if i'm wrong freeze why would we focus on yafails if we can focus and strip someone from Zaft with like 20T? Compare to yafails with nothing left to give?

    What's more important freeze? The amount of incs you give an opponent compared to the amount of a successful strip? Just like boxing jabs and body punches or The Knock Out someone can give?
  5. Talking about logic?
    Zaft wasn't even in this 7 months ago

    Have fun :)
  6. MaPag.. likes to be called queen? Is that it?? All that banter just for that... okay queen MaPag.. what ever u want :-D totally different approach from the no action propaganda clan lololol
  7. Freeze doesn't mean you say what you taking about is logic it means really logic. Remember when you war against AAH. Most of you play dead. Only hit back when stripping or SB AAH. That's all action you given them. The rest of the time you guys hitting haunting and build banks.

    Another way you did the same tactic was against ZAFT. You all hits haunting and SB ZAFT. Only way you steal ZAFT during a strip. Most of you play dead and Attack Eb for 7 months. ZAFT war so bored on that war they would take any offer just to end the war. I was there and I know the feeling. I understand your strategy tho. It's very smart move on YAFi part. Why waste pots when you can earn gold to hurt your enemies when they least expected. If you don't like this strategy we using go cry in the corner and stop blubbering here why you don't get incs. Try building your allies to 10 trillion and we will see if you can keep it for long.
  8. Oh ZAFT don't worry my account is not ZAFT anymore
  9. Any animated pics pls much appreciated... ty :-D
  10. Nope musang that wasn't the full strategy.

    And while it will be similar in that area, we don't come to forum and declare zaft is dead and yafi is winning.

    Nor do we declare zaft is losing because yafi is able to complete EB.

    What the fuss about No Action clan is that despite sending no actions over, they declare we are dead. That is similar to what AAH posted about Yafi being dead.

    Let me reiterate the joke. No Action are trying to announce to the world they are winning osw by sending no actions. Sure some occasional strips here and there but it doesn't even dent us a bit and everyone knows it.

    Yafi didn't dent zaft at that time, we know it, and we don't go around announcing we destroyed them. We didn't send as many actions and we don't need to lie.

    And it is also worth mentioning that was among our first few osw. Unlike NA which is supposedly having way more experience as they claimed

    It's not the tactic. But the behaviour of a supposedly legendary professional osw clan that's so unbefitting.
  11. Hehe.. That's butthurt classic. U can try harder but we all know yafi ain't that tough anymore. With jokers like u, that makes it worse for yafi image. Anyway for me most inc from zaft, not much from yafi. Lucky yafi. ;)
  12. Ken_ken just proved my point on NA. What says you musang.

    You get to see it for yourself the childish, low class and unprofessional behaviour of a supposedly professional osw clan call New Age.

    And you want to associate yourself with such imbeciles.
  13. Wow!

    Conversation ongoing......

    Carry On!
  14. You say NA didn't dent you or do anything to you. Yet as you can see less and less YAFI every week on your clans. That's not mean they leave because they are afraid to NA. Most left because they saw their old clan turning into a bully clan which they work really hard for. Most YAFI that left love YAFI. They have the loyalty to old friends and clan. They don't agree how you handle this current war. Still remain that everyone interpret different way what they see. If I see my enemies have 5 clans 7 months ago and now only 3 clans. I would agree that I did something positive to make that clan reduced. You wouldn't agree with this because you on the other fence. Still remain you keep going back to no action clan. Yet from now and then a no action clan pull strips on you and you have no way of stopping. As you can see NA is not like any other clan like TCW that would go head on on you and run out of steam. This strategy would bother you because you know and I know it's been proven many times against huge opponents.
  15. His butthurt level goes way up lol ;)
  16. NA started by even taking our one man clan as a full clan on their clan page. And another inactive clan, which is why if you track back history NA tells the world we have 7 clans. Number of clans matter more than number of members.

    We have less clans now but our number of members didn't change much. As for the yafi members before the merge, none of the really active left. We are all still here.

    Sorry to burst your bubble. We all saw how NA was reduced to less than 50 members from 90+ before more alts are brought in to make it back to 90+ again.

    The number of alts Mr muahaha brought into clan over time to make up the numbers was seriously amazing

  17. FREEZE, you made a good point there! Here's a thubs up for yah buddy.

  18. It's also of mention that kiwitea aka Davosa main, apple-of-my-eyes was sourced out and attacked until he joined NA and then turned relatively inactive.

    Apart from kiwitea displaying the amazing feat of hitting eb for hours without any allies.
  19. Ranger shows yet another proof of NA behaviour which musang appears to wholeheartedly support now.

    NA members mind have probably been turned crazy by the hits received.

    Poor things
  20. Now we see that's you in the picture giving a thumbs up

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