OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Wikileak, why you only comes out after 400 pages, did you get a 3 day pass to post forum. Must be boring in your YAFAILURE clan.

  2. This propaganda war boring? What u say ? Lolololol
  3. Keep it up wikileak, your 3 days pass will be over soon, you'll have another 7 months to wait. LMAO.

    Here's an advice, go lick the boots of chairman freeze of the appleseeds fun club. That'll get you an extended pass. Muhahahahaha
  4. So you finally revealed yourself huh.. what's the surprise? Wuahhahahhaha.. I won lololol
  5. What's you talking about?

    Did you just got kick by freeze while licking his boots? Muhahahahaha
  6. Ranger where have you been the whole time? And besides that you don't even know who that is you are talking to (wiki) which shows us how much you really know. 
  7. Rather hypocritical as well considering they joined an alliance with the biggest nob munching, xtal burning, lb buying EB fairies in KaW. Not to mention players that basically spit in their faces and said **** you to their free ally market.
  8. Oh I know! He's the biggest clown in the YAFAILURE clan.

    Why else would he look for a blinking dancing dinosaur? LMAO.

    Where have you been all this time daddyfatstick? Though you were busy RL?
  9. Then who is he ranger? And I was lol but I came back just for you guys 
  10. Didnt I just told you he was the biggest clown in YAFAILURE clan?

    Or would you rather I poke you ling so you will understand?

    So hows RL? Must be boring for you to come back getting whoop again and again.
  11. I love it. Throw a few comments out and the fools take the bait. Haha oh i wonder where appleseed went. Is he gone forever? Please say it isnt so! LOL
  12. And that there is by far the only semi active account in na lololol
  13. I haven't seen any "whooping" from anyone the entire war lol I would say in the whole 7 months I have received maybe 100 inc and that is being very generous. But yeah I'm on break and the girlfriend is back in Texas so not a whole lot to do 
  14. So many yafians and so.few active lol
  15. Gonna take a nap, so tell Black Leopard I have another 30b ally for you to munch in.

    I declare wikileaks the Winner of this trolling contest, least freeze will go raging and tell everyone its all LIE.

    Muhahahaha. Wikileak found me out. Muhahahaha
  16. I see you yafians just throwing words out there. You are trying so hard to ignore topics being presented. Whats the matter, apple didnt show u guys how to do the laughing faces?? Lol you joke of a clan you. Yafi RiP sukas. You all were our training camp. We got the big fellas up front now. They have more to offer.
  17. Oh and gud luck with the GF daddyfatstick, dont you get caught spending more time with this app, or else you will end up with a broken phone.

  18. Is there actual hitting going on... or do you guys just trash talk here all day
  19. There is actual hitting going on from YAFI to NA. Only thing is usually we give a few hits and they go dtw.

    There is no actual hitting going on from NA to YAFI.

    That's the answer for you.

    I'm sure you realised that the best NA can do is to come out and trash talk. They probably throw in some occasional small strips here and there and feel very proud about it, not realising they haven't even dent us at all.
  20. Despite the biased answer:
    Ok... just wondering bc this thread never leaves AT :lol:
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