Lol Jedi wasn't here 7 months ago. But you monkey says he's Jedi and was on this forum 7 months ago. Just pointing out. So hi Mickey. Welcome back. Do you know what war you are fighting actually? Spending all your lottery money on kaw accounts just to save face fight yafi?
What's obvious is that you made an incorrect generalized statement and upon being proven wrong, you're trying to cover your ass by adding the qualifier that you meant only on KaW. You're still wrong. There are hundreds if not thousands of clans on KaW. You have no idea among all those clans who is seeking out whom to form alliances with or why. You're making assumptions. Any any rate, I'm done debating the point with you. I have better things to do with my time than to continue to embarrass you. Thanks for playing.
Lol @ freeze. Don't get it twisted. I don't do anything I do to war Yafi. I do what I do and spend what I spend to support my family here at New Age. It just so happens that we are warring you right now. Don't be so egotistical though. It's not all about you. It's all about New Age. Thanks for the concern though
I do love how Yafi has been reduced to nothing more than a bunch of children crying about someone else's expenses and finances. Take a look KaW. The mighty Yafi...... Crybaby's at War
That's right Mickey. We know you will go to great lengths to help NA save face on kaw. To the extent of spending big and buying big banks to come in to get stripped. Just so that NA can continue saying they are still able to fight on despite all odds. It's a game where money does help I admit.
Newagwdummy.. did u say children lol??... come again.. loom at your class lost past 300 something pages lolil. Says the cow to say boi
Honestly speaking, NA being crushed so badly to the extent of needing real life cash to buy new banks to come support isn't anything shameful. Your clan was outnumbered to begin with. What's shameful is the number of lies NA throws out, and what's even more shameful is how all your lies are easily exposed by anyone.
Real life cash??? R u ******* serious?!?!?!?!!!!!?!?!?!?! Hte cost real life cash n all don't tell me your clan doesn't run hte! Your new allies spend the most on kaw (zaft starting with cells n red) Please explain yourself because without real money yafi won't be yafi, zaft won't be zaft, na won't be na etc Or just look at it this way Some people r to rich kaw does not effect their pocket books at all.
Lol Ramirez that's all they can do is cry about trivial things. Facts are facts. The fact is NA is still here having a blast showing KaW what jokes Yafi really are. Yafi hasn't done 1 thing to NA this whole 7 months while we have destroyed 3 of their 5 clans. Stripped 150t of their gold. Made fools of them at every turn. No amount of money is too much to show KaW what jokes you are
First, YAFI isn't ZAFT and I was talking about YAFI, and specifically listed YA_JUDGMENTI_FI earlier in my posts. Your attempt to bring in an alliance to justify your point falls apart naturally. Next, I already said it wasn't shameful at all. So what's wrong?
Was being sarcastic Freeze. Just agreeing to agree. Obviously went over your head. You have been crying about lying this whole time. But you can't provide one instance of NA lying. You're silly. I bet your ego is so bruised
No no no! We are their training exercise! Do you not remember?! We are to be made an example out of! We are to be crushed! Hold on as i :lol: :lol: :lol:
Only thing was, it became NOT a training exercise, simply because NA hits EB more than hitting us! Everyone knows that. You know that too. It isn't even really an OSW.