OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Ahhhh!! Look here's a NO ACTION legend lolilol.. oliolioli.. hhahajajaja... say say.. nonono.. lolol..
  2. No action? How do u think all ur gold was stripped? Lol we.dont run bots here. Hahaha
  3. I'm ex-military, so I think I have pretty good understanding of "real war".

    You also left out the fact that sometimes a stronger nation seeks out a weaker nation as an ally simply to deny their use to a rival. In any case, the reasons why a nation seeks an ally is irrelevant here. Your assertion was that the strong do not seek alliances with the weak. They merely "accept" them.

    The strong do look for alliances. You even just admitted it, but tried to deflect with reasons why they do. Why they do is irrelevant. You said they don't. The fact is, they do. You're wrong.

    If there's anything else you need explained, you let me know.
  4. I want you to explain how you are relevant in this war?

    I also want you to explain why Zaft intends to utilize the exact same strategy that failed LOS and is currently failing Yafi?

    If those two war clans couldn't get it done, what makes you think your band of Eb fairies are going to get it done?
  5. Cool story. Anybody that's ex-military would know being ex-military means little about understanding war, unless I should be addressing you as General black-dragon.

    Again, you seem unable to differentiate the realities of an actual real life conflict, and a phone app. But keep on it, clearly you think when I speak of alliances I'm not talking about kaw, but real life.

    You continue to demonstrate your inability to accept the obvious. It's ok, tell me some more about you that makes your opinion somehow relevant, or your inability to understand basic diplomacy in the real world.
  6. Anyone like Yanni?
  7. How much did you buy this account for mickey?
  8. Dadali, almost a full clan you all have there and hardly any active! Whats going on? Apple not around to wake them up??
  9. Everyone of us here are unlike NA and Twicc who seem to be able to on kaw anytime of the day.

    We treasure real life and go on long holidays. Even Cambji bro comes to visit us on holidays lasting a fortnight, then go on his business trips for another month.

    But when there's a strip, be sure I will be on to crystal.

    I might be flying to visit Sifu next. You are welcome to join too :)
  10. More talk from an acct that can't do anything more than talk.

    When is Yafi going to start doing more than talk? 7 months later and NA stands strong against your entire alliance means you guys are failures

    Welcome to the New Age
  11. Your account only joined for less than a month in the 7 months OSW.

    To us you are mere talk and hot hair. Unlike Twicc who has been actively on his account anytime of the day for past 7 months. He is the person who contributed his life to NA. Not you. One month isn't anything.

    Now go shoo.
  12. Yanni is cool music u don't agree? It's new age music like it's says in its genre
  13. Awe is that your defense to why New Age is still here bleeding gold off Yafi? Yafi is washed up. Getting trashed by a bunch of nOob eb fairies over here in NA.

    I'll be here in 7 months, just like I was here 7 months ago:)
  14. Ahh... my new age monkey ..hi.. I'm not a terrorist what do u mean?
  15. New age monkey your old name was newAgeDummy? Is this so?
  16. Why is there a need for YAFI to defend against NA lies?

    NA is being crushed big time and NA has to keep buying new banks and accounts to join to save face and tell the world that they are doing well... only to get the new accounts and banks stripped again and again. We have Jedi-Mind-Trick as a very good example of that. That's the harsh truth. Now go defend this with your lies.

    You sure sound like Mickey who was also here 7 months ago
  17. It's true, ya got me

  18. Jedi was mine silly. Pretty sure that's the largest strip Yafi can claim. The 4t that I had on jedi. It was expected.

    What wasn't expected was for NA to not care about the odds and to continue fighting and stripping whoever.

    Now you guys can only cry about what we spend while we kick your asses. The nOobtears are delicious. Please continue
  19. Back to the topic.. Yanni is cool music don't u agree ?
  20. :eek:

    NA bought KAW accounts! Why spend such money... I feel sad for you guys. NA runs so many free HTE and members went to buy accounts lol. Those real cash can be spent on seals or crystals.

    Whoever reading this topic, if you plan to quit kaw please contact admins or members of NA clan. They will give u a good price.
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