OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Go away statless alt. we don't need or want your **** here. Come back with your main if your gonna support us. Otherwise piss off.

    To everyone else. Happy Holidays and have a great new year.
  2. These guys been going at it for a year now? :shock: mad respect
  3. New Age osw's purgatory and LOS, then takes on yafi when LOS hides there, then allows it's members to strip zaft and iG council, then stands up for those members when zaft threatens them, resulting in an osw with zaft also?

    If there was a scorecard in kaw, New Age would be winning.
  4. I remember posting on this thread as a joke reporter when this first happened. But its still going on, and my news team still needs a big scoop.

    But seriously, this a good example of loyalty to your clan.
  5. No players are more loyal to the game than NA guys
  6. Update OSW against Purgatory,LoS,Yafi,Zaft Family..
    After month of Strips Purgatory and LoS decided to hide in Yafi Family..
    Would you like to let enemys with big mouth go,only becouse they found no way and lost to many eb Accounts in a save heaven?
    NA decided to hit them,no matter what Yafi have to say about it.
    After few mounth of OSW against Ya_where is the steal button?_fi, the council of Ya_free the allie market_fi decided to take a alliance with Zaft Family.
    Maybe the 200 Yafians dont find a way to strip 2 NA Accounts with hugh allie value.
    Maybe they needed help from Free the Allie Market Redstar and Cella.
    Who know's? Who care about it?
    When Yafi and Zaft are Allies it would be maybe need only few time, till Zaft send there sub meat shields Clans to weak NA.
    Of course the LB Zaft Members have no time and care only about the own LB Place.
    Who cares about smaller Zaft Members,that are happy to be part of Zaft Family.Haha.
    Old Member from PE,that are now part of NA decided to make a little Fun Strip during Chrismas to bring some happyness to Zaft Council.
    Shocked about that Strip the Zaft Council send of course informations to Sub Clans from Zaft to hit NA.
    Why Twicc should kick the old PE Members from NA,to be save from Zaft?
    A open OSW against Zaft would make the front clear,no hide needed.
    Would Zaft not support Yafi after kicking 2 PE Member? Who knows?
    After few Strips,that only grow Twicc's Barren Value,Zaft tried to Strip him again at New Year.
    Again it grow only the Barren Value.
    After 1 Year of OSW against NA many Clans are destroyed and a few hundred trillions burned away.

    Atm Yafi is happy to burn some pots and take each 1-3 days a max plunder Allie from different hansel Accounts.
    Well, i think it was a good idea to hide in Yafi Family.
    The old LOS Accounts now find the Attack button.
    But the dont find old Allies.
    Maybe that need a few month more.
  7. I believe you need Rosetta Stone the shut the **** up edition
  8. I believe you need to stop hiding behind alts 
  9. He probably one the old perm farm and reseted. He learn his lesson not to show main or else we bring torches on his kingdom
  10. Ha good one
  11. Ah, I missed appleseeds post.

    I wonder where did the YAFAILS spokeperson go. So much data to twist around ti fit his agenda, but why us he missing?

    I saw FREEZE the cheerleader trying to derail other clans OSW thread. Rusted told him to come back here in our own thread.

    But I guess since appleseeds is not around for him to mimick and cheer on, he would not dare make himself stupid by posting.

    So as a new years gift to Kaw, and the continuation of this OSW, let me bring in the scorecards.

    From the ragtag leftovers of LOS Family who were absorbed by YAFI, the only clan standing was Rise of Honor. And from the original 5 Clans of YAFI, _Judgment_ went totally inactive now.

    New Age Legendz
  12. She said with less than 400b in allies
  13. Ah yes parabellun, afte stripping him xnumber of times he decided that mp allues is the only option left to survive New Age onslaugjt.
  14. You have not stripped anyone noob.. You're just another max plunder NA cheerleader
  15. Anyone from New Age can claim our strips. Every single member from New Age can claim they stripped Dirtylarry for 11t. Even if they weren't online when we did it. Because everything is done as a family. We share all. We share the glory, we share the losses.
  16. No Support?

    Just another vet from Fury who got strip sooner than he expected.

    But at least he tried hard to be cool about it. Lol
  17. Not talking ****..

    Read again, maybe you missed out his **** talks.

    Maybe you can try my mp again. They havent even manage to take it all lol.
  18. Wow, that was taken out fast Northlane. Mods are busy, you shouldnt made the bypassed. LMAO.
  19. Where baby trash ghost at ?
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