***UPDATE*** (Before YAFI lies again) 516b in allies were hired from me 7 hours and 20 minutes ago. While they hired and started stealing i went ally shopping. During the process i lost 50b and hired 467b in allies. Fail fail oh and fail :lol: :lol:
wow propaganda by NA again But looks like most NA who claims to be OSW veterans aren't able to even hit properly for the event. If that's not called well beaten nothing else is. Talk is cheap. Results show. To kaw world, NA has already entered the hall of shame.
Sad, so many butthurts crying over YAFI actions NA cried and whined hard, now another statless come cry and whine hard. Does Yafi really have such a big effect that whatever Yafi does is subjected to comments, criticism as well as resulting in a fantastic volume of cries and whines by their enemies?
Congratulations! But that was probably a fun strip. The new kaw is such that 22T could be earned in a single day's work. With hte Crux chests unlimited crystals etc. 500b is just a walk in the park nowadays.
Simply saying something is propaganda without showing any evidence towards it can also be claimed as propaganda. Also, from looking on your profile, you also have no shard rewards, so why are you bringing the event up? Also, iillliiiIIlmr_justinliliiilili, The post I have made that has been described as "Propaganda" was written in the same style as your reply to lastghunter. What I mean by that is, instead of actually talking about any points that he or she brought up, you just called him a "whiner" and "Butthurt." In fact, both sides are at fault for spilling propaganda out on forums if that is the case. Finally, for your response towards dead, Do you have any SS's of someone making 22 trillion on one account in a single day? I actually would enjoy seeing that. Or are you stating that a clan can make 22 trillion in a single day? Or are you stating that Yafi, with four active clans, can make 22 trillion in a day? You wasn't clear enough with that statement and I do not want to assume.
rusted, you are those who posted many things without evidence. I listed the event as evidence of my conclusion that NA biggest whiners are unable to war. If it is too shameful or painful to continue talking about that fact you may say so. The evidence is there, it is NA who's doing so much work and posting way way more than Yafi to bring attention away from it. Next lastghunter has to use an statless alt to post content against NA and Yafi. If that itself isn't good evidence of fear or butthurt I don't know what else is. Maybe you support statless alts in posting, after all there had been so many statless alts coming out in support of NA when NA members voted not to post forums. And now NA members are suddenly allowed to post, much less statless alts come out to post in support. The coincidence is so obvious. Someone with 6 crystals and 200% chest on could previously earn 300b easily per HTE. With unlimited crystals promo, HTE promo, crux chest on sale, and half priced seals, I leave u to consider the Maths.
I wouldnt be surprised if this is Apple's younger brother. Sounds like just as big of a twit as the noob himself
iillliiiIIlmr_justinliliiilili I am aware of my post bud, the point was why call something out when you are doing it too. Also, A good bit of what I have posted since becomeing sober is easy to find info. Though I will admit being wrong a time or two, that happens. On the event, if it also gave rewards for stubborness and strips, then it will offer more proof towards you claim. It was a week long event that harnest very little worth past adding a bit of fun and compitition through pvp actions. Again, Since you are bringing it up, I want to ask, where is your rewards? lastghunter may be using a statless alt, but his post brings up some good points. Since you wish to discredit them and inturn insult they guy, I will ask them. Many people would like to know why Yafi went against their principles to ally themselves with Zaft? Such as, Zaft hordes allies, Yafi frees up the market. Zaft boosts ranks and collects meat shields Yafi loves being the underdog. Zaft does what it wishes to protect and boost it's own players Yafi use to start OSW's to make kaw a better game. There is nothing wrong with either philosophy, but they are counter opposite. On the 22 trill in a day. You point goes towards 2 days of the year... But that is honestly irrelevant at this point and there are better things to talk about.
Zaft lost a family clan. I believe they recruit fury and yafi to their family to compensate. They where apparently given "a good deal" whatever that entitles, and they get to keep their clan names. Yafi didn't run scared and ally with zaft. I believe zaft approached these two clans and there was obviously a deal struck that enticed both to join.
I am not judging and saying anything against Zaft. To boost ranks and add alliances is a part of a Zaft plan that they have been doing for a long time. Also, after TS clairfied the mutual cf, I am not claiming that Yafi ran scared to Zaft anymore. Though appleseed did say that this was in the works for awhile, awaiting Zaft approval, so on who approached who can only be speculated. What I find funny is why would Yafi want this?
This can only be seen as a huge victory for NA. The reputation yafi had before this war has been destroyed, and not by an alliance or family but a single clan. Zaft is getting weaker and is fearful of a growing apoc, hence the lowering of standards in who they take in. Not to mention the sudden approval of alliances.
Yafi will never admit to the damage that New Age has brought on them. They run a no fault public image, which means they do not admit wrongs, or admit screw ups. Their pride is almost as large as New Ages stubbornness, almost. They also refuse to give credit or props to their opponents in public durning an osw. They feel they always need to be right as their needs to be wrong. When we gather information or speak out against them, it is propaganda. When we get foul information, then retract it or have another source retract it, they use it as "evidence" of us lying. Truth is, yeah, we get excited and get bad info, the TS vs Yafi conflict being a prime example. Some strategies we have used have been ineffective. It happens, but we adapt and we continue. We brainstorm and we laugh. We play a game, spend our money, and act like complete fools. And we act like fools, spend our money, fight these OSW's, and brainstorm on our strategies because it is fun for us. Nothing Apple, freeze, or anyone else in Yafi or Kaw can truthfully say to deny us of our fun by posting messages on forum, wc, or our walls. Also, no one has found away to deny us of our fun through their actions or inactions. End point. No "Judge" in kaw will ever be able to convict a "Legend" Welcome to the New Age!
Hey rusted, cool story bro. While you're giving forumers an insight into na "legends" badassedness, we dont care really. What are you trying to prove? The reality is that you are stuck with us. And we're happy to oblige. No clan shall fear na as they are now reduced to an eb clan. You want to talk about stubbornness when we invented the word. Plus you have done nothing to yafi to even warrant a mention. Apart from farting in our faces and running back to your kids playground ️
Who is talking about killing a clan? We do not want to kill New Age, we want to farm you to perpetuity. One does not kill a goose that lays golden eggs. Thank you New Age for all the shards we got. Thank you Legends for countless hours of fun. Thank you Twicc for raging on your own and our walls - it is funny and highly entertaining. Finally, my personal thanks to help me achieve BC status, it would not be possible without your "Legendary" resolve. You made me who I am today. Here are props you asked for Rusty. They are true and sincere. We are in no hurry to end this and kill NA. We are far from it. I am surprised you have not figured it out yet.
Wow. Thank YOU Para, for the props and sincerity. We "made [you] who [you are] today." I'm so proud ️ You got so carried away heaping sincere praise on New Age that I think you forgot to mention we also made your former clan, ya__grom__fi, what it is today.
Farm you to perpeuity. Lol. I have NEVER had inc from you. Never. And inc from others is scarce. You can check my battle losses now and compare them a week later. Golden laying gooses? Pffff. If only you would hit.