On behalf of ATA and the rest of KaW, we thank you guys for splurging on HTE and crystals just to barely keep up with us. $6 per HTE, roughly $36 a day excluding crystals, $6.48k over 6 months excluding crystals. A big change from a clan who once farmed mods for ATA's changes to earn more from KaW. And many of you banked the gold into bronze bars, losing 25% in the process. That's $1.62k spent just for banking. Really a good deal.
Change the record!!!! LOL why u so worried about our pockets??? So you admit we are keeping up with y'all!? Thank you for clearing that up. U and ur mates were saying different just yesterday. Lol We are good!!!
Keeps coming back to how much NA spends on HTE. That's what we have reduced the big bad Yafi into. A bunch of jealous little girls. Don't worry about what we spend on HTE. We do what we want, when we want. We are the executionersWe decide who dieswhen and where
It is more of what NA Legends has been reduced to by your very own leaders. YAFI didn't even need to do much; your leaders pretty much destroyed your clan. And at least 25% of the accounts active in your EBs come from a single person. A clan that splurges real $$ to war YAFI virtual $$, and still not achieving anything concrete at all, but still very proud of it. A far cry from the days where you guys attempted to gather everyone, including YAFI, to farm mods as a protests against KaW changes that help them earn more. And how NA OSW Legends has been reduced to become $$ splurging EB legends. You do what you want, and we do what we want. You can claim to decide all you like because all your decisions amount to nothing when you guys get stuck self-pinning on EBs all day. NA has now degenerated into merely barking without teeth.
Being so harped on that little phrase, and being all joyful and happy about a phrase "just barely keeping up", sure speaks volume on the states of affairs within NA.
That is the biggest batch of ******** I ever read. You decided who dies. When and where. Tell me, when and where will yafi kill na?
Sorry freeze, but if a clan of 25 people is keeping up with an entire alliance with 200 people, I think that speaks more to the state of YAFI's affairs much louder Just saying.
Don't put words into my mouth. My exact phrase is "just barely keeping up", and there's a difference from "keeping up". NA would be a worse failure if it can't even do that with all the amount spent on seals and crystals.
We finally get some honesty for once. Bravo freeze bravo! Maybe some of you will rub off on appleseed. *crossing my fingers*
Sorry Jedi, your clan mates thinks you speak rubbish and posted that earlier. Also, seeing Beer so wonderfully happy and purposely mis-interpreting my phrase, insisting it was same as "keeping up" speaks a lot about what is happening within NA. There are also lots of things to be under the general phrase of "keeping up", so which one do you think I was referring to? Without even further clarifications on that, how are you able to make a conclusion? It is obvious making a conclusion based on a single phrase without further clarifications show how desperate NA has become to make themselves look good, on top of throwing crystals to clear EBs.
Yep, I was honest enough to tell you that you misunderstood, and that your joyful posts regarding a intended misinterpretation of my phrase are showing how bad the affairs are within NA at the moment.