OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. I am not a forum Troll and very rare post.

    Now I gonna send this post to what I think is the biggest Forum Troll in kaw, sadly he is here only cos of forum and not to be in a osw vs us.
    As we never gets any incoming from Applesseds

    This is directly pointed to Appleseeds how he doing his forum Trolling.

    It's how governments convince you. They feed you a little info, never the full truth, feed you a lie that even combined with the info seems ridiculous. After repetition of the lie the people hearing it will decide it is true. Many speculate that is why the invasion of Iraq started. The gov fed the USA people a little bit of truth, which was that they had a cruel dictator. Lie was about the weapons. They ended up invading the f- country so w/e.

    Also there's this thing called hindsight bias which refers to someone telling people something that can perceive to be true(like "absence makes the heart grow fonder.") and people will not doubt it. Whether or not it is true.

    I never said New Age are angels we are not, and it's more than humour to see the Forum Troll trying make new age look bad.

    Lesson 1 to forum troll.

    - new age never cared what kaw thinks of us!

    Lesson 2 to forum troll

    - read lesson 1 enough times you might learn something. Repeat repeat repeat and you know it's true
  2. Dear YAFI,

    First, I don't usually post Forums anymore unless i need to publically knock the ego down of ireg or Other delusional noobs like yourselves.

    2nd, all i have to say is if you love OSW as much as I do, I challenge you to not post forums trying to "Play the public" so to speak anymore, but rather hit, strip, and keep your loud mouths to walls...and PM.

    Lets face it. Everyone fail strips, nobody is perfect. It's all part of the awesome game we play together knocking eachother around!!!
    So lame posts of us fail stripping eachother are not necessary.;)

    I am old on KaW and remember when Wilders Sghatak was one of the leader of Judgement, he is my good friend. And i respect him, and he would laugh in your faces at all this lame public bashing because it's pointless and accomplish nothing except making fools of yourselves. We are all better then that...if not then keep talking..but remember it's never too late to stop making a fool of yourself!

    It seems there are no OSW these days that doesn't have these lame forum posts trying to embarass eachother. Lets show KaW an old school OSW where there is just hitting, stripping and then a calm after the storm. That's what i call an honorable fight. A long time ago in KaW friends were made through OSW slappin eachother around and earning respect in the opponents eyes. There is no respect to be found in forums. Forums is a gathering place for noobs.

    "It's not about how hard you can hit but about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." -Rocky Balboa

    RESPECT to my friend WhiteGh0st who i befriended after we hit eachother for a few weeks a long time ago. And RESPECT to EAGLE️ i remember when you were a Regulator back before they became forum warriors, and we both started Regulators on GaW...ahhh good times!!! Unfortunately business and family comes before friends here. Hopefully i can have respect for the rest of YAFI after this OSW is over as well.

    Lets have some fun!

    -LWPiNDaHiZZY 
  3. Funny how it was NA who posted on the thread before yafi bothered to post, and how all come out and say the same things that they don't care what others think. If NA seriously don't care, why post at all?

    And if NA don't care, why even bother coming out to say you don't?

    Obviously NA cares so much that you have to come out and declare you don't.

    Kawers can judge, just like how we can all see the internal issues plaguing NA right now.
  4. Seriously we had a good laugh seeing NA max crystal, with some of you running crystals on both ends just to complete the EB.

    And we had a fun day hitting so many of you without any incoming because we know you need to complete the EB to save face. Don't be embarrassed! Yafi fails EBs too! We honestly don't really care, and we don't bother to crystal to save the EB just to save face!

    Unlike NA who needs to maintain their OSW stance of declaring themselves legends because they are able to complete EBs despite OSW. NA can't afford to fail, else will lose face because you can't use the tag line that yafi unable to pin you from completing EBs.

    Seriously with all the crystals used just to complete the EBs, now you are telling us you don't care what the public thinks?

    Think again before posting content that make NA looks even dumber.
  5. Thanks Freeze, is that all?... Glad we could hear that lovely opinion, as well as all the rest you've voiced here. I don't care who post first or who said what...what i care about is fighting the rest if this OSW however long that may be in a Honorable way for both sides. Not through forum slashing.

    "For time and the world do not stand still...Change is the Law of life, and those who look only to the past or the present are sure to miss the future." -John F. Kennedy

    Now, lets just get back to this OSW the way it should be fought. 

  6. Doesn't seem like it. The way you and your clan mates post it was an obvious forum slashing, despite saying that it isn't.

    Now your mate is getting stripped, and what you all merely do is to continue posting on forum.

    And that's because NA cares much about public thinking.
  7. I don't need to make NA look bad :lol: :lol: :lol:

    You guys already make yourself look bad :lol: :lol: :lol:

    For a clan who once proclaimed
    1) they were against KaW's pay to win mentality,
    2) spending equate to supporting greed and corruption

    We are now making you guys SPEND BIG to do the same, and at the same time showing the world what hypocrites you guys are :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And I know the more I say this, the more you guys will spend, because you guys don't want to lose face at all and we know it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. @Illll0_VII_0IILWPiNDaHiZZYllll

    Well, for someone who seldom post on forum, you have posted quite a huge chunk of crap too.
    Even brought up a OSW hater/runner mr Sghatak. He ran pretty fast when war begun. Did he hold your hands and run?
    Forum posting is fun and interesting. An OLD player like you still not used to it? Or are you just OLD in EBs?

  9. This Is the same yafi, same players and more, lots more.. Who took on almost all the big clans in KaW at one point and basically won. It is no different, besides a few more los Meatshields. Lets be serious. Statistically the numbers between yafi and new age say new age is getting pummelled.
    The same yafi who've done the biggest clan strip (bomanator strip was done by an alliance).

    I don't think they will have ANY trouble dealing with new age.. Which whenever twicc or some other fool tries to insult me back it's either empty threats theyll never follow through or just some made up bull. Like how apparently all my friends on KaW don't want to make a clan with me lolwut. Just comes up with complete poo.
  10. A failed strip is very normal,we failed strip too.but to announce a failed strip on wc just like cyborg is funny.oh and his wall too
  11. I come across on this clan CP of Ron. I think good to post here. Twicc stop hurting Val feelings only friends he have left are his alts. 

    Being honest may not get you many friends but it will always get you the right ones ~ John Lennon

    It is better to offer no excuse then a bad one ~ George Washington

    [H]iding how you really feel and trying to make everyone happy doesn't make you nice, it just makes you a liar. ~ John O'Conelle

    Truth never damages a cause that is just.
    ~Mahatma Gandhi

    You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it. ~Alan Moore

    You ask me what forces me to speak? a strange thing; my conscience. ~ Victor Hugo

    It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.
    ~Rick Rioniod

    I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to
    succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have. ~ Abraham Lincoln

    It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
    ~Noël Coward

    I meant what I said and I said what I meant. ~Dr. Seuss

    A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
    William James

     great minds thought. Sorry for copying Ron
  12. Saying they won is abit steep Val. They were getting beat on like dead rats and their opponents got bored. If That's winning there are many amazing osw clans out there.
  13. Val just talking out of his feelings toward Twicc. He have no clue about the past wars of YAFI. 
  14. He wishes he have at least half a balls of Twicc hahahaha jk jk jk Val lol
  15. Why dont you post with your main shogun
  16. Wew how long was this
  17. Lol keep posting about me smiley. I'll be back when your not dtw, as per usual. Please, actually put up a fight.
  18. Dtw and zeroed. Impressive.
  19. he is kind of mad
  20. Lol. I came here to find someone to actually HIT, preferably a hansel so I can have fun zeroing for hours lol. Not to dance with words lol
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