OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Not to mention smaller.......awkward!
  2. Morning afters must always be uncomfortable in yafi.
  3. Freeze, a potless hansel pays less than with pots, beside that your way bigger and also need to use pots to ensure a fb of 100% sucess with minimal troop usage. And there's no end bonus.

    By the way. Pinning a hansel is the best way to make him run through KaW without being "scared" by anything, since you only killed the bar he rarely or can't use properly anyway..

    I have no clue who lies about what when it comes to the politics or whoever/whatever started this osw, but I know you just had no clue about what you were talking.
  4. But you all talk the same since I started to read this thread on page 180 or so. Funny, will probably never chance with all those unnecessary smack talk 
  5. When we attack you ken. You lose gold definitely. Feeding off your attack troops kills yours which in turn you lose 3bil in potential earnings
  6. Lol beer to be honest with you i don't have the time to see who is lying or not! I honestly don't care! Im here for one thing to fight and defend my clan.
  7. It's all good whiteghost. But poor freeze why doesnt someone tell him he needs to stay off forums!!? Lol
  8. ^ Beer that means he agrees that you are right and freeze is wrong (or lying) but he doesn't want to fully admit it.
  9. Really? Damn you all act like some high school drama queens lmao! How did freeze come into my joke comment ?
  10. Read a few posts b4 u wrote that lol
  11. Im good beer. I'm actually gonna crack me a beer and have a cig! Than go actually fight with some folks on another game️enjoy the rambling!
  12. Enjoy! Beer is always good for you.:)
  13. I feel bad, I'm pounding some dude from mercz passage because he keeps talking too much crap. He hasn't said a word in 27 minutes and I've stripped him of all of his allies (almost). THIS FEELSLIKE GOOD OL KAW! Sorry if this is off topic and all.
  14. Heehee.. 3b hurts me real bad. So disappointed in yall ;)
  15. To Argoli. It's very easy to check. Just get a full build hansel and hit ken with it, and u will know what I said is true about earning almost as much.

    Wonder why no one tells beer how pathetic he's making NA look by yakking away non stop on forums. Worse still, his posts have no contribution or content except to contribute spam.
  16. Ken, it's alright. Look at where it progressed. I grew to BC partially from the gold fed off you, while you are still almost the same after being banished as an outcast, unable to use hte to grow like the rest of NA.

    But since you like to talk to convince yourself everything is fine, it's fine with us too.
  17. SS or it's not true 
  18. Before you show me SS I will say this ahead of time. It's fake SS must be photoshop
  19. Freeze, I am a master of dumb comments when I am too emotionally involved, too excited, or too eager to talk trash.

    I am.

    But you, you take it to a new level. Like, how?
    Have you taken a step back and actually read what you wrote? because you sound like a lier and a moron.
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