OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. You know why you guys are failing so badly in establishing this? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Because you guys love lying so much to yourself and everyone else, that you guys can't see from outsiders point of view how pathetic and illogical your lies are! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I love how
    1) statless mains come on to support you guys :lol:
    2) Twicc denying his 12b allies were shown on his profile page (even when he was active in EB) and when shown SS, denied it :lol:
    3) InBred, the supporter who claimed to be a statless main vs Twicc, who claimed he's a zaft alt. Either one must be lying :lol:
    4) Twicc SS which is so obviously faked (the horizontal cut off line was just too obvious) :lol:

    Really, the things NA tries just sings desperation :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Have fun :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Heehee haahaa... woo hoo... we all know which side is actually having fun at this. :)
  3. Definitely you are! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    How do you feel being the outcast of New Age, and being banished to Newb Age? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    While the rest of them are enjoying their HTEs, and you are just hitting small EBs? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Grima Wormtongue

    *I don't hit I'm a forum Troll*
  5. Yes, Twicc, we know that's all you are capable of :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Thanks for repeating and reminding us of it :lol: :lol: :lol:

    No wonder New Age has degenerated into what it is now :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Grima Wormtongue

    *I don't hit I'm a forum Troll*

    When you gonna start hit New Age in this war? I just wonder, cos you put hours in reading and twisting posts as the forum Troll you are,

    You aren't even a warrior in this war hahahahahahahahahahahahaha sorry but hahahahahahaha
  7. Grima Wormtongue the backbone of YAFI. The guy that never hits NA. Great team you have YAFI! haha

    This is awesome, pls Appleseed make more twisting I love it, you do it soooo great as the Troll you are.
    And oh don't threaten me that you gonna hit me, i might pee myself of fear :lol:

    *I don't hit I'm a forum Troll*
  8. Yes yes.. wow u really know everything Apple! Nothing escapes from u.. i was beaten by yafi too badly i wanted to hide in sub. But yafi is too strong i can't run. Heee.. hope this reply boost your morale alittle ;)
  9. I know I can't expect much intelligence from you :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Nope, I'm not a warrior, and my clan is pretty happy with it because we treat this as a game, very lightly and just for fun. Our new members are slowly adapting into our fun culture :) :) :D

    But I can't say the same for New Age and how the members are treated. :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Speaks volumes when your number 2 isn't hitting anyone but the EB, and your number 3 is complaining so much in CC :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Ah... that's the reply by the NA outcast :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Was it just because you can't speak their country language that you are labelled as an outcast? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Apple I think you missed a laughing face there mate.
  12. Oops :lol: :lol:
    Where?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I'm glad someone finds your incessant rambling funny, even if it is yourself.
  14. In fact, my whole clan does find me funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That's really many. ;)
    Maybe all of us just like fun ;)

    It's really funny too on how 50 people tries to convince 300 people that they are wrong, and they are winning this OSW because they aren't pinned till they can't do EB :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Ok, I shall end it here. Time to do something else outside KaW. I'm not like Twicc who is able to self pins 60% of the day. KaW may be his second life, but it's not mine ;) :lol: :lol:
  15. Grima Wormtongue

    *I don't hit I'm a forum Troll*

    You are the absolute the best Twister of words in this game, i say just wow i am so impressed over your skill. I bet YAFI are so happy with you and rest of their players that don't even hit us :lol:

    As i stated before in oder post, now I know why YAFI can't pinn 50 NA players only 20% of yafi actually hits us, and out of them not many humans. How the heck have you manage this long in kAW, wait wait don't say it!

    you got Grima Wormtongue to save your sad behinds. Oh my god I never in kaws history had this much fun. Sorry IG, the king crown of poor bast... goes to YAFI.

    How the hell you gonna fight New Age when you don't hit us at all?

    Yes 5 NA are pinned out of 50, YAFI complain NA don't hit them, well YAFI got 600 accounts with mains, alts and banks,

    This osw getting better and better, and YAFI don't even answer Saxon post only ignore it cos its weak argument Grima Wormtongue might loosing it as he need think how to twist it!?! :lol:

    Common Grima Wormtongue do your lighting show here on forum, we at New AGE, laughing so much atm in every post you doing
  16. I'm not surprised they find it funny, you probably threatened anyone who didn't laugh with you their own personal forum thread - god forbid anyone would want that.

    Or who knows? From what I've heard, maybe you'd actually force clan members to hit in this OSW if they didn't laugh at your hilariously good jokes and posts.

    Keep it up sport, everyone loves your spirit... Sort of.
  17. Hehe... so that's the reply from yafi spokesperson?

    Please tell us more things that we do not know about ourselves... its quite entertaining actually. ;)
  18. On a serious note,

    NA won't touch LOS members who will leave, we did cf with you, we only doing this osw against YAFI and BAlle, cos YAFI been hitting and threaten us to many times. And Balle well his BAlle...
    We wanted to fight YAFI cos they think they could do whatever they wanted with us, its hard training camp isn't it?

    I do agree with Roxy on many parts/opinions, and I see her as the LOS leader i would follow if i hadn't got NA.
    KJB dragging LOS into YAFI, i say now it´s biggest mistake you LOS did. even continue fighting NA would been better.
    I still think its funny how Harriet and BAlle tricked all of YAFI and LOS, and KJB pushing LOS into YAFI were you don't even belong.

    I do know how YAFI threaten some of you LOS members and kicked some as well that had other opinions.

    In na all have opinions everyday, we do share workload pretty good, i don't do everything in our Asylum.

    Well now, I stop blabbing but fact is NA won't touch LOS if you decide to leave during osw or after osw, we will stay fighting YAFI, well we might hunting KJB just for lolz
  19. It's been a fun read this forum. Really shows the lack of intel na has. Telling they respect old YAFI and the new YAFI council sucks while there simply hasnt been any change in that whatsoever. Most "old YAFI" are allive and kicking still. Kudoos for the tracking on that one . We all know what all this forum bantering is all about and that it's na attempt to discredit YAFI. While i admire them for their resilient attempts on this it's not going to make a difference. Most here know how much YAFI cares for their public appearences . I honestly want to thank na for getting my beloved friends active and kicking again. Not all are as active as we want to be (we do value our lives outside the virtual kawworld) but it's good to see them all again. As for all the speculations how all this started we couldn't care less. The na- LOS war ended in a cf so as far as YAFI is concerned thats ancient history. LOS ceased to exist the moment they joined YAFI and are yafi now. Same goes for ROH purg and other new members. And YAFI always protects their own. I do hope all are having a lovely time in this "OSW" in the end it's just a game and the reason we all play it is to have fun.

  20. hahaha there you go LOS, PURGATORY ROH ceased to exist! ladyK you are my idol! Thank you thank you thank you

    I couldn't said it better, but i do know LOS, `PURGATORY don't agree with that comment LADYK, well maybe not ROH (they love be slaves and follow orders)

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