OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. All u can just get on with ur bad selfs. U think ur something. U aint ****. This is only a game. Lets see u fucks with that same confidence out in the real world. I bet ur butts purk up and ur shoulders drop out there.
  2. Beer the brainless trash talker has spoken! Amen 
  3. Who needs brains in a tap tap game?
  4. Besides that if im brainless u must have **** for brains.
  5. Dead. Maybe you should decide with Twicc which one of you is lying.

    Twicc says I hit NA. You say I don't.

    Can you guys be more consistent in your content so as not to make your clan look more stupid?
  6. Tap tap game does not require brain! I agree. But posting in Forums a comprehensive post needs some brain cells and unfortunately it looks like you are missing them
  7. Think I should also add that you guys send so little incomings that I had a few hundred bil out for the level 4 new upgrade. And subsequently I merely need to leave gold out for upgrades. Those little incomings make me lose much less gold than if I had banked in.

    That's the state of NA.
  8. Yea sure freeze. Whatever helps u sleep at night buddy
  9. Like i said buttspanker ur stupider than i am so i wouldnt talk lol. Dont bite ur tongue
  10. Bla bla blas ..... Afffffffff 
  11. I don't wanna choose a side in this osw. I respect both of the families, new age for warring against them years ago and Yafi for warring against and freeing the ally market with them:)

    But somebody like freeze is a bit annoying. You should really not complain about having little inc.

    See the math. Hitting you may pay well for an attack build, hitting HTE pays better.

    Even if you have gold out, it doesn't really matter how much gold Yafi has, as long as you can't shut down the gold funnel for new age.
    Actually you should send your complains to devs like I do daily 

    I'm sure they blocked me from feedback section;), but unless they don't change the game to a good and pvp system which makes it actually worth to hit your enemy... You won't have to expect inc when you're the side outnumbering the oponnment:)

    In decembre 2013 devs announced pvp updates "making us happy" to be released in January or February 2014....

    I bet all of you know we have September now 
    It's just so poor by them

    Sorry for grammar 
  12. Yes Beer indeed I must correct my assumption! You got 1 brain cell working as you took the appropriate and right decision to stop babbling!

    As for Cyborg the diaper toddler go whine on wc as it is the only thing you are good in!
  13. Wow Twicc must have really upset poor Applepips if the almighty Cambji has to make an appearance on his alt.
  14. @ Beer who did you destroy? Most LOS are now Yafi, who doubled their strength and you saying you destroyed something?? Who did you front load a strip against?? No one! Whose mp allies you took that you got to brag about?? Who are you hitting if not the EB? No one can pin a clan that is constantly pinning on EB's. So you are right, doesn't take much brains to figure that out. So unless you had issued LOS a cf favorable to your side..you haven't destroyed anything. Your talk is brainless. Twicc could probably replace you with another active warring account cause to be perfectly honest with you, you don't threaten anyone. Waste of space.
    Now lets get to the facts.

    @Twicc..let me clarify some things with you, your members, Yafi and the LOS that are still here. Yes that would be me. LOS never died despite some of your members persistent nagging.
    I have sacrificed my fair share for this family and I'd be damned to see some keep talking up a bunch of nonsense on this thread. LOS/NA OSW was done on a "mutual CF" before some of LOS merged with Yafi. A merge that was only supposed to happen outside of CF to which it did. LOS did not run anywhere. Yafi came to LOS with a proposal to merge as friends and nothing more.
    How NA broke CF with NA hitting Purgatory..is due to pm exchanges between NA, Purgatory and Harrier. Let me remind you worthless bunches that the only reason why LOS council agreed to Harrier mediating a CF is because majority on both sides did not want to bend to see a CF that early. It's only common sense to have a third party mediate and yes we reached a mutual CF. Does that mean your side won?? When did a mutual CF ever say one side won or one side lost? Stop smoking that crack and grow a brain. I called CF in our pal rooms when NA and LOS agreed to end the war and walk. We moved on to the merge proposal soon after that. This war was DONE! Yet what was happening in pm's was a totally different story wasn't it... Between all those pm exchange's, NA took Purgatory's statement in pm of not joining Yafi in the merge as a "free to hit". Now tell me I'm wrong? Lol. I bet NA was glad to hear that they only had one clan to hit then. You were. The threats that followed in pm to NA was because LOS was waiting for the very members they went into war over to vote for their clan. Even though those threats that did not sit well with NA, we did right on our side. LOS was still protecting Purgatory. We all know how stubborn NA are, hence the "mutual CF". So they hit based on all the above but only in to Purgatory. Meanwhile LOS council sat and waited for the last vote that being Purgatory vote. Only to get a CF broken notice in the middle of a merge. So what happens? LOS goes right back into war but now as Yafi. Did you think you were going to stop a merge that happened outside of CF? Hell NO! Who you think you are? LOS did not operate because of what other's think or say, never mind what you think. We did what was good for longevity.
    If you ask me who got screwed in this war? LOS did. Throughout the war, rumors of Purgatory members disowning being part of LOS family rang loud and far. Why did you all think most of our long trusted warriors left LOS? No one can come here today and tell me this isn't true. Yet despite all that insults on LOS. We stepped in and fought for our family member regardless. We fought till NA became mostly potless and allyless. If NA had nothing to lose why did Twicc come back from retirement and tower up after he was stripped naked?? Did LOS not do that?? Dnt insult us lol. Ask Twicc how much he lost from multiple attempts to strip through those massive towers even after that..don't be ignorant to think we didn't touch Twicc. Proof is in his towers that he kept upgrading to keep us out. He was your main front loader anyways lol.Yes I cnt lie, losses was accounted for on both sides. We did not come to forums to brag about how much strips we done. We warred as we always did. LOS fought months on end. For one cause! You touched the wrong mod! Our internal conflicts was tearing us apart, not because of NA. NA wasn't a threat. You never were. You did not outfund us. So stop talking like you did. Shove that nonsense down the garbage where it belongs.

    Ask me again why I am not part of this war anymore.. What started as a stand to fight for our family member ended when most had fought and marked their territory. Mind you we were the only family clan that waged a war from that mod farming spree inspired by NA. We stood by our mod when she came to us for help. When Purgatory presented that to council, LOS rose and declared war. How we kept getting the short end of the stick of LOS is this and that from our own, is beyond me. Now its just some chest bumping ego fest! I think we have better things to do with our time.

    This merge to my understanding was for LOS to remain as is and under Yafi family. To combine families rather than discredit LOS name like we never existed. Take a good look at where I am sitting Beer, LOS is still here. If you want to destroy us, come do it. What are you waiting for??
    We fought a long way to get to where we were. Who thought they could give it all away? With that said, every LOS family had a choice, most chose and here we are. There goes that.

    Now if NA whining that Yafi outnumbers them, what the hell you expect? I remember seeing
    some pm's "we dn't care about Yafi"? Seems like a whole lot of caring to me if you all must be on here constantly talking about being outnumbered trying to gain public favor..for what? You trying to recruit this way?? Only a fool would join your side now but keep trying.
    LOS outnumbered you, Yafi now triples that digits..what's new??

    Tell me something I don't already know about your brainless comment @Beer. Problem with NA is that you just can't admit defeat. So keep going at it. Your war with LOS ended on a mutual CF. Now let me tell you it truly was the best CF you'll ever get. I don't know what Yafi will agree to but I do know that you are not in a favorable position right now. Again it doesn't take much brains to conclude that.

    Drink your beer and Enjoy your spanking
  15. Why the **** would anyone read all that^, seriously lol.
  16. Seriously. The length alone spells out butthurt. Dont get mad at me cuz ur clans were destroyed. Get mad at ur mates for quitting ur clan and running!!
  17. Favorable position? For cf you mean? LOL And our war(the one you rumners ran from) did not end in cf. Cf are discussed amongst the clans fighting not a nosy third party trying to dig you out the hole u dug for yourselves by challenging us. Get real roxy baby we ended ur "legacy". Now u try to keep los alive by running ebs and scouting WC for help. Lol give it up and move on. Everyone knows los purg n roh were demolished!!
  18. Roxybaby, no one is going to read the giant wall of text. Please try again.
  19. LOS = war runners!
  20. I got a pocket full of sunshine
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