Lmfao so if i knew you, i would have already restated that cause knowing you i would know you don't understand a lot of words?
That's what I'm trying to say like if you stated that these days single men consider themselves internet thugs and think cause they have 7 figure attack stats in a game that they are the smartest/ biggest/ coolest/ funniest person ever....then id undsrstand
This is the worst thread I've ever read. Poor grammar, no info on what the osw is about. Seems like the ramblings of a lost nooblet
Grammar can be hard to learn cook, what if someone had dyslexia? How would you know? Don't call someone out on something totally irrelevant and what may be impossible for them to do. Also get your silly noob arse out of here, k fanks.
lmao balto and skinny r both statless noobs my alt destroys balto and skinny dropped build cuz was bn farmed and got scared so now he just acts tough bullyin noobs funny funny **** here made me laugh
Nelsonator. You stupid nobody noob. You have no idea what you're taking about. I planned to drop my build right from the start. Check the dates noob. You just butthurt I farmed the daylights out of you is all. Idiot
Don't worry though nesonlator. I have a lot if gold stored away. When the time suits me I will it's some huge allies and I will be in your hitting range. Then I will make you a farm again whiner