OSW with a scoreboard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllOIIlGIllIRlIlllEIllIlSIlllI, May 14, 2013.

  1. I'd get rid of the polite 'please sir, would you like to war?' Accept process. If someone declares war, you win or surrender. No other choices
  2. Sorry dob't like this idea at all.
  3. Just do a normal off system war bro 
  4. First of all doesn't this go against the whole point of an Off System War?

    Second, is Off System Wars really about making the best plunder? Its involved burning pots, hitting people just to pin, it not really about making money.
    Its about making you opponent suffer.

    Thirdly, by being invved in this system, does this mean you can't start Epic Battles, which in many cases are put on for people to pin on.

    Another thing, does this system show who is active, because at the beginning it would be very easy to pick quick strip targets.

    Another flaw is people who decide to hit from no clan, those who want to make it so its harder to get a link to them, those who want to their best, so that their Time Zone is not found out.

    Finally, what about mutual CF's ?
  5. Bbcode fail........
  6. You obviously didn't get the point that this is an attempt to find relevance and a new place for system wars and not a replacement for osw. It's trying to make system wars More like osw, while providing a very public forum w/ accountability and recording to build clan prestige.
  7. Focus on content and not the title.
  8. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but is a successful strip all about the plunder? If you're not taking money, you're just buying allies...
    I think it would be pretty cool to see 2 big name clans go at it using this war style. It would show true power.
  10. Support make it that owner and 2 admins must declair war and accept the war
  11. Support*
    Damn touchscreen.
  12. This is really sad. Seeing a whole thread and for that matter a huge group of people that don't know what osw stands for. Where have the good times gone.

    As for the "new" war system: I think it has a lot of potential, but there are definitely some holes that need to be patched up and figured out first.
  13. I think I lol'd the loudest of my life when Bed claims strips are about the plunder.

    Son, if I buy 10b off you and drop a fullbar of successful steals, I make the same plunder as if I buy out 1t from you.

    I think you're successfully discredited yourself on the topic of strip wars. Please stop now.
  14. Plunder earned does not equate to the gold lost. Strip wars are about attrition. Not about plunder.

    There are simply too many factors that you can't quantify to build a system for it. And trying will bastardise the essence of it.