OSW with a scoreboard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllOIIlGIllIRlIlllEIllIlSIlllI, May 14, 2013.

  1. Love this idea.
  2. I believe it be nice if a clan decides to forfeit it can put money in so the other clan will stop attacking and the money is evenly spread to each clan member for participation.
  3. That would get abused.. Maybe refine that a little
  4. And would EBs be allowed during the war so handles can pin themselves and generate strip/pot money?
  5. @Daddy-I think ebs would be. That could throw off numbers though, unless they could exclude eb hits/plunder.
  6. Two other minor things:

    1) you would show active on the war roster if your clan is an active participant. If you leave clan or if your clan withdraws you would still be on the roster, but inactive

    2) I would only have 1 or 2 updates a day. Every hour in a monthlong war seems excessive

    My thoughts on the eb question: I would lean towards no. In my mind, if you're warring you should be, uh, warring. I'm open to more discussion on that though.
  7. I see many issues with this idea. Although your head is in the right place OP I can't support this.

    The whole point of 'off system' is the start and end and rewards/losses are different every time. No system could account for all the variables. I say we just leave it be, those of us who osw are doing just fine 
  8. In my experience, strip banks are often hidden elsewhere so the buyers of the allies wouldn't necessarily need to be in clan. What cranks up the score would be the steals coming from inside clan and allied clans.
  9. Exactly. Every smart clan has their allies whack the strip targets for maximum loss. Like I said: your head is in a good place OP, just way too many variables to make this a possible implementation
  10. @cynder this isn't really an attempt to end osw, but more a way to turn the system war option into a relevant, useful, fun thing again. Also, I'd like it if you would clarify what variables you think this doesn't address.
  11. Far too many issues have come from the devs trying to systemise what players were already doing. There's no legitimate need to create a system war for strip wars.
  12. Support. Ive seen this idea before though, so might not get approved.

    Maybe have a "declare cf" button too. Alot of OSWs do end in a draw where both sides come to terms with a cf and neither side admits defeat or victory.
  13. The variables are endless.

    Osw is about how much you make your opponent lose. Pots burnt, mith burnt, strip losses etc

    Not to mention the psychological factor which is the only way an osw ends. Not to mention each clan has different ways of ending their osw. CF ransoms, forum surrenders and so on. IMO you're trying to fix something that isn't broken. Create a system for the ever changing.

    Like humans trying to control nature, you will inevitably fail.

    "Life finds a way"

    -Dr. Ian Malcolm
  14. Not sure if this has been said, but what you're saying is you can get strip funds through ebs?

    No support.
  15. And who's to say osw isn't relevant, useful or fun?

    Just because the big wig clans are doing it for the wrong reasons and are all up each other's butts crying for power and crap doesn't mean the rest of us osw junkies aren't haven't a fruitful or fun time.

    State your basis for argument that osw isn't relevant, useful or fun besides personal opinion.
  16. Great idea  if it ain't a strip war, it ain't a war. Why not keep score? Seems like it would be relatively simple tweak to the existing war systems. ATA has made many changes to the game in the past year or so that have had a direct negative effect on strippers and the way that we like to play the game. Maybe they are trying to protect their big spenders. One can only speculate. It would be interesting to hear from ATA regarding this subject.
  17. Perhaps I mistitled this. I'm not saying osws don't have their place and I'm not trying to replace them. What is broken and is not relevant are system wars, and this is an attempt to make them viable. To enable long big system wars for all the kaw world to see would both be a method for true dispute settling that actually has a clear winner and the added bonus of showing your strength in a very public way. I'm not saying these would always be strip wars, I'm saying this would make the system wars entertaining.