Anyways LLC and LSA, we need more action! Strips,rage, and total ownage in the war! We want hour by hour updates if this osw is really "thread worthy."C'mon guys make it exciting!
Je résume la situation actuel afin d'y voir plus clair. Une personne qui farm le membre d'un clan est en droit d'attendre des représailles de la par du clan tout entier jusqu'à obtention d'excuses . N'est ce pas imperviouse qui a farm alka?? Donc ne faites pas croire que vous agissez en bon samaritain ... Osw sans fondements ni préjudices , juste vôtre plaisir personnel...Nop
I summarize the current situation in order to see more clearly. A person who farm a member of a clan is entitled to expect retaliation by the entire clan until apology. Is not that what imperviouse farm alka? So do not believe that you are acting in good Samaritan ... Osw baseless prejudices or just your own personal pleasure ... Nop
We don't need to give an hour by hour update. That is pointless. Yes it is still going on, yes we are stripping. That's all you need to know.
You really have no parts genitals!! You fight like cowards ... You are cowards, less than nothing! A bunch of cockroaches!! No glory, no pride, worse than a dog barking far ...
support to LSA LSA aren't scared to take their time bringing a clan down, they don't do things half is slow and methodical - if your looking for daily reports on strips, earn your tags and join in the war. If not, then just know that LSA is doing what they do best....kicking some booty.