OSW idea

Discussion in 'Wars' started by camerooney, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. What you are explaining is called a system war.
    With OSWs, the point of it is to be, well, off system.
  2. Osws make things interesting. They are more real and there is a risk involved. They end in either CFs or treaties. System wars are fine. People just take advantage of them.
  3. This idea is quite poorly thought out. Osw's should not be regulated as it allows them to run more freely.

    However I do agree with the idea of updating system wars

    They allow a fun, competitive way to war each other and they guarantee that everyone involve is willing to get hit without running of to their home clan butthurt.
  4. I think OSWs should have a whole lot of SW so you can't run EBs.
  5. I'd rather have a way to track everything that happens in an osw. So something like the EE record. Total actions, plunder made, gold lost, total strip count etc.

    It would make it easier for everyone to see who is the *****.
  6. Seeing this thread I may as well just give up on KaW. The whole idea of an off-system war is that it ca not be controlled by the Devs or Moderators. There is risk involved within the war, Pots burned, Allies stripped, etc, and of course the fun of beating an enemy to submission. Why should one of the oldest parts of KaW now be regulated? If you want a regulated war be my guest and become an EE noob. Don't try change one of the best parts of the game.
  7. He's not suggesting to ban OSW and force a new type on, he suggesting that we just make another option available.
  8. Yes, and they would be called System wars... :roll:
  9. The more I think about this the more I think this idea isn't a bad one and could work for long periods.

    It allows a kinda form of scoring system as Blackstar said (gold lost for the scoring system as that's the idea behind most osw). It allows clans to know an end in sight (even if it is 1 week, 1 month, 3 months etc away) and it shows a winner as most osw end in cf of one sort or the other.

    Those who rabbit on about that's sw not osw should shut up and think before responding as a month long sw with stripping is just like an osw in reality.

    I've fought osw of a day and also of a year or so in length. I've fought 1v1 of similar timelines and as such am comfortable that this idea would possibly work and be an alternative to osw which gets a bit boring after a while (trust me after 6 months I've known many leave out of boredom). A fixed time osw with a scoring mechanism would be interesting and allow those bored to see a reason to stay and continue, especially if some form of mith reward at the end.

    Snr 
  10. osw is find the way it is I kinda like when they last over a month it never gets boring to me
  11. Fine* spell check lol
  12. A month or two is different than a year or even 6 months. Try those lengths and see whether you're bored or not lol.

    Not met anyone who actually enjoys those lengths of war. Many stay fighting but only really because of pride not enjoyment.

    Snr 
  14. Off system war idea:
    Make it a system war
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. There isn't a face palm big enough for the amount of fail in OP
  16. Hey guys!

    We should take the Off System War ...

    ... And build it into a system ...

    ... And run it alongside System Wars!

  17. Op, your idea would work for a system war. OSW is off system so that is can not be regulated as many before me have said. Also OSWs do not generally start because someone wants to get in a fun war, OSW starts because 2 or more clans have a disagreement and choose to settle the matter by beating the crap out of each other until a cf is declared for whatever reason. Putting a time limit on this defeats the purpose as the issue would not get resolved fully. People would still be upset.