OSW: BH family vs AoW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Renamed0907 (01), Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. Support for another big osw. Too bad wont a part on this one.
  2. Wtf is ultimate OSW. Is there an OSW that shouldn't be ultimate 
  3. Shaun did you just say you don't support ganging up on people, then you support AoW in the same post? Hypocritical, no? AoW ganged up on BH first, then the family got involved, js.
  4. [imtfit]http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b0133f2e1026a970b-pi[/imgfit]
  5. Bollocks.

  6. BH ganged up on a Aow member, get your facts right
  8. What? :lol:
  9. shaun is kinda adorable in that pic though

  10. Disclaimer: I didn't realize who this pi caws in reference to. I do not agree with the statement attached, I just helped fix the coding error.
  11. It's just a joke deni. Shaun isn't that bad. Bit of a Noob Age if ya get me though 

  12. I like the noob ages. Back up, buttercup.
  13. I <333333 them. They love me too. My newsfeed can attest 
  14. Op what a joke, but then that's Bh for you. Don't think I need to add anything to that.
  15. pretty serious London? lol


    it's okay, there is still kaw candy.
  16. .......
  17. sorry but do i know you :?: :roll:
  18. either way hope both sides enjoy.
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