i honestly still don't know who "aow" is. but i will bash them, if that is what it takes to make me popular.
This thread is pointless. Ass hats fighting ass hats that will mutual cf and remain as ass hats. So the true question: who will have more inactives? Aow trying to make a name for themselves besides being the known eb fairies. BH trying to prove they aren't hasbeens. May the odds be in your favor.
Woah RPL r very scary great backup du nut mess wif dem they strip u good same wif AoW n Osiris totez is not a HTE clan no mo like they've been advertising in WC.
mark twain; one of america's greatest authors, wrote dialogue as people spoke; purposefully ignoring the formal style taught by the grammer police. and yet when modern writers chose to express themselves in a similar fashion, they are ridiculed. have we learned nothing about the nuance of language? are our minds still so rigidly caged by the beratement of the english teachers of our past? i pity any generations that would silence the would be twain's of their day. no. pity doesn't quite fit. in the words of the social media generation: are you mad, brother?
I love learning from statless alts that we're at war. Very uneducated post. Thanks Sky for clearing it up, but honestly, half the clans you listed that we were fighting with (oG) have been on opposite sides of most of our wars in the last 2 years. That being said, I'm still supporting them over AoW and their clown parade. OmegaLSA
Support Aow Nothing wrong with defending your people when people gang up on them , you know what the saying goes like, Payback is a *****