Kinda weak if u have 2 call in all of ur family clans just 2 hit 1 clan bh. Has been around a long time don't c aow taking them out
I have to agree with Omar, why has no one pointed out that OP is an obvious BH statless alt?? So much for no BH posts on this thread. As for who will prevail, it is still too early to predict; there is still too many unknown is hard to ignore the presence of a strong ally like SE on AOW cp though. With or without help, I wouldn't count AoW just yet. *BabyDoll--"clan of haters"? That is harsh, our feelings are hurt. Actually we are quite sweet and congenial. Maybe you should bring that main over, the one you cant seem to post forums with
Hmmm "Clan of haters" Has 2 non haters That's not a clan of haters That's a clan including some haters
Lol. Im always cute and funny. Part of my charm. And, I was being helpful. Til rejects feel like derailing the thread to try figuring out my main, which isn't even a secret. I just like pissing people off.
You accidentally posted with that account. And have yet to post with your main or at least let it be known. Posting with a statless alt is derailing
I have yet to post it cause its hilarious how big a deal 1 tiny alt is to you people. And no. Otherwise, most threads would be locked for derailment. You boys throwing a hissy fit and hosting a witch hunt? Thats derailment.
Half assed research would have found it. I once made an entire thread, which would have proved who I was. Don't be so dense, and get back on topic. I have made comments regarding this war. But having friends on both sides, I am not either either side. But this is a free forum, and I can and will provide commentary about the matter unless a mod or OP give me a reason not to.