OSW: BH family vs AoW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Renamed0907 (01), Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. Im just shocked nobody bashed op for his stats yet
  2. Oh, I'm on the wrong account. Sorry. Just the account I happen to be on. No worries, my main will kick your ass again later on. I need to get back to that clan of haters eventually anyways
  3. BH will bash lol BH is not even a shell of what they were, and neither are many of their clans. It's up in the Air.

    Plus just because you are out numbered doesn't mean you will lose.
  4. How many clans does Fart of war have?
  5. Wut clan of haters 
  6. StripTease.

    But til then, go on, Hun. Who do you think I am?
  7. Lol I just joined here

    Err r u cella
    Or liek sushi
  8. Oh. Im redstar. How'd ya guess. :roll: :roll:
  9. R u Deni or jenni lel they dun liek me much 
  10. I'd like to see Sucker Punch join the fray. :)
  11. I thought chubby was RedStar.
  12. I take it not many people do
  13. I don't need everyone to like me lol

    I got me good friends dey all I needs :D

    Take it that ur Deni then?
  14. Aow is allies with SE so if they brought there allies in as well that would be interesting
  15. "So what we got here is failure to communicate, some men you just cant reach...so, ya get what we got here last week, which is the way he wants it, well, he gets it! N' I don't like it any more than you men" (actually i do, but this just seemed to fit...)
    could this be 'new bully' against old? a changing of the guard, so to speak?? :roll: :lol: :lol:
    Chair, check.
    Popcorn, check...
    ima noob, so whata i know... :oops:
  16. I wanna play. Someone let me in.

    And fake Slim, gtfo.
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