OSW: BH family vs AoW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Renamed0907 (01), Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. Bring back oG alliance maybe 0(*_*)0
  2. Hey wait your aren't Philosopher.
  3. We making bets? If BH and friends loses. I will reset lol.
  4. Is it all BH alliances are only some ?
  5. Did anyone else read ultimate osw in a mortal kombat voice?
  6. An attempted strip of 200 bil 

    Why bother?
  7. i didn't. but i swear i will from now on. it just makes it "better", somehow.
  8. Aow role play clan hall of fame?
  9. First. It's not some LSA accounts. It my one here. One. And I'm almost always in wars that don't involve LSA. Maki may have LSA in his banner. But he's been black hand for over two years on an off or whatever. Assuming he's the other you meant

    It's astonishing how often people like to act like they are being jumped because one or two accounts suddenly represent whole clans
  10. but sky, you alone are worth over 9,000 clans. how is it not fair to complain about that?
  11. Over 9,000 families*

    That can be millions of clans.
    Following logic, of course
  12. Blak hand will destroy

    End of tory
  13. I'm in on some details.
  14. Sorry. Found a few typos.

    Black* hand and The OutlawZ, Voodoo, Voodoo Resurrection, Osiris, Roman Praetorian Legion, and Some LSA members * will destroy

    End of story*
  15. Newb y u so statless
  16. Good luck all lol. Osw is always preferable to whatever lame plan devs have for us. 
  17. My money is on BH and co for this one
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