OSW: BH family vs AoW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Renamed0907 (01), Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. No darling it's about Dia. The chick that sends voice messages of herself snorting coke.
  2. Faith I'll take warriors any day of the week over you 3.
  3. Bootsy you have no right to say anything like that...
  4. Let me know when you actually recruit warriors.
  5. Actually I do

    Shes repeatedly called me a terrible mom and a skank. Which aren't true.

    I can call her a coke head.

    Don't be hypocritical.
  6. No you don't, it's low and disrespectful to attack someone's real life on forums...
  7. What kind of whiskey are we talking here?
  8. Wow, Matty, real nice. I busted my ass for you, I put up with constant harassment, and all you ever said was "you are equal to me". Now you finally say what you really felt, and the sad thing is that I never asked to be where I was. However, you are right, I wasn't cut out for BH, not when it's a clan based on lies and politics, where hard work and loyalty mean nothing. I never said one word about you specifically, have the decency to keep mine out of your mouth.
  9. Wolfie where have you been all these months when worse things were said about Boots rl? You can't have it both ways
  10. fun fact: very few people on kaw know anything at all about my personal life. maybe the lack of drama like this in my kaw-life is related to that?
  11. Wolf do you even read the **** you post?
  12. Respect to voodoo for pulling out after re accessing war 
  13. This is like something from one of those trailer parks......Banjos at the ready folks
  14. I hqve my empty jug. Anyone wanna blow it?
  15. Jjjjoey4. I agree with ibear partially. My incoming was very limited and I do feel you're rather boasting too much about one side when it seems both sides were performing just as rubbish. I didn't agree with cf terms but i was just another sword. I know I did my part to hit targets when I was able outside of fulltime work and sleep. I can't say the same for my guys at the time nor can I agree I felt RR was fully interested in hitting targets.

    Londoner. You have a big mouth for the very little actions you had in that war. Smh
  16. Boots, faithy, and hotty are just mad cause they were banned from BH after me, dia, Xtreme, and max went back.  Then I came to my current home where I will remain for an unforeseeable future.

    Boots is just a pal skank. "Get my drunk text on, ill regret it in the morn." Always going out to bars talking about a dif guy every night and Ofc the nudes. She talks tough, however I farm her with my attk build and she hits my hansels. No worries. So I keep hitting and she starts self pin on eb. Then her and faithy miserably fail strip me 

    Which brings me to faithy. Also a pal skank, sending nudes to BH leaders to get what she wants. (I actually have proof of this claim).

    And hotty, nothing more than a loud mouth in cc who would never fight back.

    Boots and faithy both played dead up until the point I joined veritas and osw against iG. However, after war. It will be game on again.

    They just mad that BH banned them to get back the hear of the clan from the LR wars. A group that will fight months on end, naked and potless
  17. Hark at you Ty, tut, tut, tut
  18. Hold the hell up. Your really going to trash talk a good friend of mine who is one of the main reasons we are allied with black hand.
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