OSW: BH family vs AoW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Renamed0907 (01), Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. BH is respectable yes. My three years of kaw they were respectable. I can honestly see them calling in help when 4 clans jump them. I mean who wouldn't? But the thing is now I have a lot of respect for AoW sticking up for there own not letting BH gang bang a member of there's like others would. They stood up for that member as a family of 4 clans. I can respect that. Now time will tell. Like I Said before I'm not counting AoW out just yet because BH has always been great. Kaw has changed and the style of play has changed. Can't wait to see what happens.
  2. Let's me clear the how this war started.

    An aow member got lucky and won a game of wc roulette 3 members (not 6 stop changing your story) ran a hb each he cried to me.
    Obviously I told him to move along. He then posted statements about BH in wc, which drew my attention and my full bar off troops.

    So total of 4 accounts hit him in total.
    3 wc roulette
    1 me for posting about bh.

    A few hours after all this had happened. I received a follow form aow leader whe had a respectful talk as owners do. He wanted his member compensated for the hits. He was informed that 'we had found better targets elsewhere'.

    22 hours later 5 aow clans and 1 other started hitting our members.

    Brings us up to the start of osw

    Matty BH council
  3. And basically it started alliances of BH vs AoW hahaha pathetic matty________blah
  4. Just sleep with their mothers and move on.

    A flawless victory, put that on your OSW resume.

  5. Go Matty go !! Kick their asses!

    Edit: Silly autocorrect :roll:
  6. Respect to aow ATM though look at them there fighting all those clans rn alone. Funny though BH should be able to take these "eb fairies" by themselves.
  7. Hhmmm as aow/sp fam aow has many more fam clans who couldve stepped n but aow didnt find the need to go cry to allie clans like bh did sp is not involved i proudly stand behind aow n this aow may b eb fairys but they r also kaw seasoned vets dnt count em out respect/love to aow
  8. Bh up to there old tricks " HELP, HELP, HELP " I think that's how it works
  9. Why do people pvp? To cause trouble! Why don't people pvp to not bring trouble their way! Don't play wc roulette and expect to get off easy, there's no point in that. If those BH members really love pvp that much and are great warriors they should just fight the whole clan theirselves. Every time I hit someone I'm prepared to get whatever comes my way sometimes it's a 1vs1 a 1vs5 or being in ca.
  10. Honestly, why mess with a clan that has a solid clan family structure. It's like trying to mess with Zaft. You can't without bringing in allies. Then it's not clan vs clan. It's clan of allies vs clan. If you can't deal with the family, then why mess with a member of it.
  11. Don't get me wrong, mad respect to ZAFT, AoW and other clan family structures. That's what they're for. To be a FAMILY not alliance.
  12. So you are saying an alliance is the reason for people not to fight their own battles? So alliances basically create big noobs that think they can osw but when it comes down to it they need help?
  13. Support to AoW

    Reminds me of the first LR/BH war, when one day I woke up to find 7 iG clans in my newsfeed. Which after a couple of days sparked the wdgaf/oG war. But yes, the old bh could fight naked forever, they didn't care, this bh is absolutely horrific at war. AoW will always be outnumbered because that's how bh fights. When we were warring bh in a 1v1, they lost 50% of their members, then they got caught cheating and lost their entire council
  14. Oh yeah, another thing, eventually hits from bh completely ceased during the first wdgaf/oG war, iG and everyone else was hitting, not bh though. So basically the clan that ran for help, let everyone else do all the work.
  15. And that's the truth
  16. It really is a shame that BH wants to be heralded as the BH of old, yet they will not let members post on the OSW thread. Yes, I am ex-BH and I know the whole "keep it classy" rule...who wants to see BH be classy? Losing respect for them more and more...
  17. There's a difference between ex bh and original gangster bh. There may be 5-10 originals left in the game.
  18. Lmao Hotty you missed the whole WC show down. There was nothing classy about that.
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