The irony is, this all started over a said clan member who is no longer in the clan -chucky- maybe they should go farm the out of him for causing all this as he gave false information out that started all this in the first place
Hehehe support to my fam bams in SFA ride em like the lill EB ponies they are!! Respect few!! Fear None!! holla Back Bitches!!!
SFA BCK isn't much of a threat, their largest guy is barely 7m CS. There would be no threat in giving them a cf or respect lost from anyone; only respect gained.
Wow. Firekiller is right. I have given all info to bck. It was over after I got cf from fire. Bck kept it going. Not .mt problem. I can't control what other people say...
Firekiller stopd all hits from 1v1. So it was again a lot1v1. I dident ask acidex till a couple days ago about fire killer hitting me. So I was infact a 1v1.
Why on earth have you bumped this thread, tiger has explained it's been written under false info and chucky has explained his part, I think it's time BCK owner and SFA settle there differences.....then both farm -chucky-
I understand now that this osw was on false info over chucky. Yet this osw should have nvr happened anyways. It was agreed upon having a 5v5 than got sidelined. We are a new clan and would love to build but like said before we cannot just fold do to the other clan being bigger. We have the heart to continue going on and not be pushed around. No matter the outcome the facts will say BCK stood against all odds and didn't tuck tail and run away
I must say then you may want to update your clan page, mainly the no 1v1 lol but all being said fair do's so long as you didn't bring in outside help
We don't support 1v1 unless hit first than of course gotta retaliate. This is a new clan and was in building process so eb unlocks and recruiting was primary goal not out starting fightsbut just for ur mind to be at ease ill change it in the spirit of an osw
Smurf to be honest, all you want is claim n fame, go away the clan your up against clan strip n rip, this is boring now