"OSW" banners

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Disability forms you know for the abnormally large head brought on by the ego
  2. Wow that's all ok so a grammar error that I didn't do it's called auto correct

    Forums happy now
  3. okay. in all seriousness, i thought this scenario was so funny, that i didn't need to phrase it as a "joke". i figured i could just post the facts and everyone would get the same kick out of it that i did. no punchline required.

    i was wrong.

  4. And what does ego have to do in a game there made for entertainment that's what I'm doing keeping my self entertained
  5. We got an internet badass here
  6. Ok now this is pointless you repeat your self and each other is no fun
  7. Your arrogance offends me
  8. I just noticed some thing I thought some one was trying to get Larry forum banned for his comment that's why I posted again. Only read what the mod posted
  9. I hit all in orange no question ,however i love this post
  10. Osw banners are often fake to prevent ally hires, cant stand that