Most people are justified in their own mind. Whether it's justified in the minds of others is up to them. Saying that the Comanche were thieves is as bad as saying that the Americans caused a First Nations Genocide and stole the natives' land. Americans will have their points, Natives Americans will have theirs. "History is but a set of lies agreed upon" -Napoleon
Not necessarily, it's written by the person it was written by. The history channel says that our ancient world was ruled by aliens, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's true. But that statement does speak the truth :lol: American history doesn't speak much of Canadian victories in The War of 1812, and Canada doesn't speak much of American victories in the War of 1812. The same goes with practically all countries. You rarely see a country go into depth about its losses.
@bad medicine No disrespect intended. My example if the Comanche nation is to simply show that although they were by far the most powerful land force in the Americas in the year 1800, they were all but wiped out by 1890 because they chose to pillage and not to destroy and conquest. Perhaps you would prefer the word pillaging to stealing although I have a hard time imagining a 19th century Texas settler saying "That god dang Comanche bloody pillaged mah horse!" Now no one is going to argue that the white man was somehow merciful and innocent. However your argument fails to address the fact that the Comanches spent just as much time raiding other First Nation tribes as they did fighting the Spanish and Americans. Indeed, the Army might have never have found the Comanche camps if the Tonks and other enemies hasn't ratted them out. Sorry if history is not pretty, but that's how it is.
Devil - America doesn't deny the fact that it commited a First Nation's genocide and stole the Native's land. Lol. It's written in out text books that our ancestors did.
I would only support if the effects only apply to those with maybe 10 lowlands unlocked and built on. There's gotta be a noob safety feature so people can go around destroying new players and making them quit before they started.
I am on the fence with this one. Wile 1000 hits seem like alot. Trust me... 1000 steals can come in droves with the new family size war alliances out. I don't think Kaw would last down the stretch if players wake up after 6 plus hrs of 8 plus clans of 100 hitting the steal button on you. And if your clan is trying to pin u to stop the bleeding, that's more actions on you. Maybe damage a building for 24 hrs after 5000 successful hits , in a row, without you being online. Costing 50 - 100 bill to repair , but you can still use it without it being repaired. Maybe have its power dropped a level till you do repair it? Just a thought, but I know that completly destroying buildings with 1k actions would discourage new players and run old players out of the game. I have 50 thousand successful steals on me in my Kaw career , over 80 thousand successful assassinations. With your perposal, I would of lost 130 buildings, that's almost 3 full sets of builds!
Bmann is right. His family burned through 5000 pots of mine in less than 4 days during a fight, and I was far from the only target.
Steal action strip gold, not builds. I included assassin actions, but they could be eliminated. I have no problem with only attack buildings being able to destroy buildings.
Interesting suggestion. I hav discussed it b4 with my FRD ab this b4. He played a game pretty similar to Kaw and u get to destroy opponent buildings. V fun and exciting as u said. But many players will jus come and go. They can't take the stress of having all their hard work bombed to non-existence by bigger, more active players. And this move will definitely force alot of smaller clans and players to quit too. Simply hired one underpriced ally, start an argument with the ex ally owner, exchange some hits, make a remark ab him or his clan being a bully, and viola nex morning u wake up and find a castle only remains due to the pretty work of a 10-clans alliance lmao
Rather than destroying bldgs which will keep most casual players away from the game(well they still contribute significant profit to dev) I see a % penalty more feasible. Not unlike the achievement % bonus but the other way round. U receive a penalty warning for receiving too many atk, steal,ass or scout and it counter the % u gained from achievements Eg, Say a 5% penalty on spy def when I received over 10k steal and addition 1% for each 1k steals. A real penalty, not as harsh bldgs destroyed, yet livable. Then the player hav to achieve the same amt of new steals to reset this penalty away with the same req
I'd support this, to a bit of an extent, not in full, however. I'd say there has to be a limit to the destruction, like stopping at the end of the highlands.