OSW and the Comanche Indians: A Proposed Reform

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. the idea is ok...but I just don't want more lands to come out for at least 3-4 more months :-|
  2. This would be easily abused. A clan full of opponents just large enough that I can't hit, but are small enough they can still hit me, would destroy us, and our builds. Also, do you know how many people would complain? All the wallet warriors? I like the idea of a penalty for a set number of hits, but losing a building is just too harsh.
  3. @bad medicine

    I see you have fallen into the Kevin Costner/Dances with Wolves version that all the native Indian tribes did was to hunt buffalo and get high on mushrooms.

    The plains Indians are first and foremost people, and sometimes people do some very gory crap: the Comanches included. I suggest you take a look at the Pulitzer Prize nominated book Empire of the Summer Moon for a more balanced look at plains Indians.
  4. @killz a lot

    What kind of penalty do you have in mind?
  5. Spies would get pulverised, I like the idea, but like oOz said that would be a good thing to implement. If I could say each build should have a certain amount of hits to kill it, (500 lowest 3000 highest) weakest goes first, an the ability to with gold or mith upgrade the amoun of hits it takes, or you could use hits themselves, say I had 40k wins and 40 build it would takes an extra 1k to kill each build
  6. I'd like to point out that the Comanches absolutely detested the white man being on their land, the fact that they are not altogether gone, and the fact that they learned scalping from the Indian hunters who would bring scalps of the Indians to the government so that they would get payed for every Indian they killed.

    On the other hand, support for the idea, but I think that the 1000 losses should only be applied if they happened during the OSW... idk how that would work, but it's not really fair that somebody with 900 losses joins an OSW and a short time later loses a building
  7. No support.

    What happens if a small clan wants to stand up for themselves against a much more powerful clan or group of clans? They get completely destroyed, and discouraged from fighting again. How many osw would you see if the price was builds that people have spent years on? However, I do support the declared osw format.
  8. No support..lol keep what we have..
  9. Silly. Osw are wars of attrition, there are clear losers, sometimes it's both. Good leadership is the factor in controlling losses, knowing when to throw the towel and start rebuilding.
  10. @window

    Well in real life usually when the small guy goes against the big guy, the small guy gets his teeth kicked in. Why should Kaw be any different?
  11. I think that it would last for like 24 hours so like if u don't get the 1k in that time it resets. If u already said that sorry haha
  12. Or allow 1 build to be destroyed per 24 hours.
  13. This goes to far, how about kingdom upgrades that give a large stat boost and they can be destoryed
  14. But no support like the thread and all but no support
  15. @penguin

    How much the Comanche hated the white man depends on the point km history. A Comanche in 1770 had a very different viewpoint than one in 1870. It must also be pointed out that just as much as the Comanches hated the white man, he hated his rival Indian tribes just as much. Indeed it was the Tonks that betrayed Comanche camps to the Texas Rangers.
  16. Oh absolutely the Comanches hated other tribes. Never tried to argue against that.
  17. Op, as a member of the Lene Lanape, Im more then qualified to speak on the history and culture of the First Nations. Your arrogance and racism in your post was apparant to me. Of course youre entitled to your opinion, but Ill always rebutt any statements that are derogatory to the Nations, where ever I find them.
  18. This would basically kill war. Why do you think nobody wars now? Because the losses far outweigh the gains. This would only add more fear into peoples minds making them want to avoid war even more. Nobody would contest bigger clans ever.you farm the wrong person off of the battle list and their entire clan ruins the build that took you so long to complete.
    No support
  19. Because this is a game, not real life. In real life, would thousands of people fight to the death over a person's name?
  20. When you say Comanche were thieves and rapists you distort the facts with words that fail to provide context. White soliders routinely smashed the skulls of the Nations children, even cut them from the womb to do so.

    So why would Comanche have mercy for any invader that they caught.