osw alliance and clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bubbelgum, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Blades of sapphire farmed me too reset
  2. You've got a ton of osw clans/families etc

    Most known families
    oG(or whatever it's called now)

    Single clans that are known to be strong osw
    New Age

    I think that's it since sicniss folded

    People like one or the other, doesn't matter where you look there's an osw of some sort going on.
  3. In my opinion, as soon as the term "osw" appears, I instantly think of the iG vs. Foxes OSW. They are the godfathers of osw. I don't care if people dislike them, but admit they revolutionized osw (in clan formation). The greatest osw clan(s) to you, is what you think of as soon as you see it.
  4. The "best" OSW clans don't belong in the same sentence as the "biggest" osw alliances.
    Huge alliances were created in the game for only 1 reason, lb fear of being stripped. Numbers are simply meat shields to protect the few with something to lose.
    Large alliances always suffer the same fate.. Poor communication, large numbers of accounts not fighting or not contributing to strips, and Failed organization efforts.
    The best war clans don't operate under the premise of fear.
    ALL the large alliances have lost clans, and "re-organized".
    Large alliances are the downfall and the menace of the game. In a "war game" one is meant to war, instead stand offs and cold wars are created. What fun is NOT warring in a war game? Lol
    A group of 30 or 60 people dedicated to a single goal, hitting, stripping and repotting are far stronger then a group of 500 or 1000 scattered and disorganized.
    Far more respect goes to the single clans still willing and able to stand alone and fight another clan, stripping and hitting without the use of bots and automated help. Using organized strategy without the mentality of sacrificing the small or hiding behind a "name" in an illusion of strength.
  5. Val, don't be ignorant. Huge alliances were not ONLY created because lb were afraid of being stripped. That May have been the case with you and imf, but when WDGAF was created there was only 1 large lb account, and that person contributed just as much, if not more to the cause then the "meat shields".

    Apocalypse as well hasn't been known to be centered around a few top lb accounts.

    Just because you rode a shady situation to a crappy ending doesn't mean you know how other osw alliances/clans operate.
  6. Really? Original Apoc had many lb accounts and more clans, but many left. UC was created to keep ZAFT in check. Operating under the disguise of "family" changes nothing.
    And FYI the Warlor I created was part of a small alliance of worthy OSW clans that proved themselves.
  7. The words Warlor and worthy in the same sentence out of your mouth make me giggle.
  8. The OutlawZ VD Family
  9. Thank yo all for the feedback on clans and alliances list :lol. Will be making a separate thread for a better reference ;)
  10. Na apple just worthy done it for me...hey VAL rode any decent horses lately.. I'm lookin for a good 2-3 year old racer if you can hook me up on the lowdown?
  11. I have to agree with Valor on one thing she said (only skimmed didn't read full thing.) 50-60 people who are coordinated definitely have my up most respect, compared to a 500-1000 member family/alliance (even if coordinated). Simply because, they find it better to fight as a unit, rather than hide in a battalion of soldiers. But, kudos to big alliances/families who had stayed true and keep order. I know it must be tough, those leaders must be truely vailiant.

    - Mike
  12. Most people would be speechless if they saw the efficiency and coordination of our family. I am still awed at our top leaders and their ability to funnel down the ladder quickly and the turnaround response of our members within every clan in Apoc!!! I've said it before and this will not even be close to the last time, but, It's truly an honor to be part of such an amazing group here
  13. Oh yeah. Chaos Reborn took a month to track me, had me open about 45 minutes (I think it was) and took 2.2 of 4.2t with all of their family clans (warlor included) stealing. That's 52%
  14. Not to mention once they bought a bomb when I was online. They only time they ever got a really good strip in was when I didnt care enough to check KaW :lol:
  15. Yeah started to feel bad after blasting 3 bombs in a row on CR :lol: stay tuned, ill have a new bomb before ya know it
  16. Ron is a perm farm/ca target of a legit war clan in a huge osw clan alliance. The fact he still is fighting back IMHO is admirable.
  17. That being said I'm changing my support to Allied Atheist Alliance.
  18. Robs is funny and much farce has he!! It's his mouth that got him where he is in the first place. Nothing admirable about being an idiot