osw alliance and clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bubbelgum, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Will just save this and continue making changes, adding, removing, and make a separate thread as a better reference and easier to get :)
  2. Add in Silent Resurgence to solo osw clans
  3. My bad! I got sic noc and Sicniss mixed up :D
  4. Thank you
  5. I will make the biggest osw alliance one day very soon.
  6. Pretty sure everyone has that dream :lol:. Might want to change your build if you want to attempt :?
  7. Why would anyone take build advice from a tiny ass pure spy?
  8. Better than SH ;) Also was hansel, just went ps for when I ee. Hate ps though :|. Also this is an alt :lol:
  9. What happened to Fallen Immortal, LOS, and Conclave of Shadows? (I know CoS has been gone for a while, just want to know what happened)
  10. Listen to farr, he has had his ass kicked by most clans hahahaha
  11. Thanks Zagham and everyone to making this tread a good one.
    Keep on the good work and ill keep on learning the game while im growing.
  12. Not many big alliances anymore. Most just change the word to families. They still have same concept one clan is more dominant than the rest like old alliances. Old alliances most didn't work because of too many bosses not enough soldier. Some still fall for so called families. I still believe being independent clan is better. You can decide which better for your clan without getting ordered often. Most of us are not children play this game. Why should we be controlled by someone else when you buy your own xtals and nobs. Draw back being independent. Always outnumbered in war but if you have clan mate that care each other it's worth. Still have few families in kaw that respect independent. Even one family stronger and older don't even try to dominate the other and help more than they receive in return. You just have to research them 
  13. fury isn't a old clan theyre like a yr old fury is ig.. well some of ig after big fight over ownership of ig... peeps made fury that's how the ig and fury osw started. second og alliance isn't around anymore most of those clans where dragged into that big osw... depends who you talk to og alliance is around and some say like me It isnt
  14. I agree with you on that
  15. Fury is old clan just added with new iG members. They have been in KAW since 2009 with old Merc members I believe. They just make new clan new fury. Still mostly old fury members with new recruits.
  16. The truth is OsW is fun but expensive. When big alliances clash it's likely no one wins. UC V ZAFT Was a massive war but I never knew who won. I believe it was a mutual end.

    Most osw just grow out of hand and you end up fighting one side or the other.
  17. We are a pretty strong independent clan :)
  18. -war machine- is another WAR clan