Alliances: Zaft biggest osw alliance, only zaft clans. WDGAF many clans. Anyone know witch once? Yafi alliance to. Anyone know witch once? Clans: Kotfe awakening. Cant find: Blade of sapphire Warriors cats Apoc _RCA_Alliance OG If anyone have more info about the above or any other osw clan it will be nice to post the info in this tread. Do you know any other alliance or clan do post here. If you have the story about it that be great.
Well good to have you as autocorrect then DirtyLarry. Im not to good with english but trying my best. Is there any underdog in osw atm?
New Age is, on the surface, an underdog to YAFI currently.. But it's hard to tell with those two clans they are both very good and it's difficult to gauge their actually strength.. For them it's more than just judging their roster superficially
Noob. Yes im a noob in this game but played other games before so lets hope i learn fast. Reading but damn that tread is along one.
Search function in forums for alliances will bring up previous threads about this. You might want to start there OP. Many detailed posts.
Wink. I'm gonna guess that you're idea of the best is who taps the button the most? Yeah? In reality the best are those that have the networking,funds,reputation and tenacity to name but a few traits needed to become 'the best at osw.