OSW against Eagle and the clan he is in

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Tejas battles lost 14 hours ago - 3917
    Tejas battles lost now - 3918

    Who got the lucky hit ?
  2. i can see this going like a certain not so enormicon
  3. This post will likely be a bit all over the place, advance warning. Probably tl:dr as well.

    Most people are aware of the actions Eagle took against his home clan(Regs) during their war with Black Hand(the first one lol). I won't got into the details again, but I will state my take. I was the war commander for Regs during this war and Eagles actions completely betrayed our efforts. For that I don't know that I can forgive him. However, after spending some time talking with Eagle recently, I would like to apologize to him for any harsh words I've said regarding his mod position. He's a young man growing into his own and I truly believe he has learned from his mistake. Fact is everyone makes mistakes, but it's not those mistakes that define the person, it's what they take away from it that does. The Eagle I've spoken with over the last day or so is not the same Eagle I knew during the Reg/BH war. Most of you posting against him had nothing to do with they betraying that happneed, nor did it effect you. I believe if the person that lead the war efforts which Eagle spat upon can let go of the issue, so can the rest of you. Again, I don't know that I can ever forgive those actions, Eagle, but I'm willing to put them aside and give you a chance to prove yourself. cheers mate.

    you thought that was all i had? LOL

    Dearest Teja,

    I recall the last time you made a forum post similar to this. It was many many moons ago prior to a large part of our community even knowing about KaW. I was a member of a little clan known as Pure Evil. You posted to forums that you were quitting (6th time) and on your way out you were going to take PE with you. You were number 1 on LB when you made that post, but you weren't the next day when LB updated. :eek: ......history has a strange way of repeating itself.

    You're number 8 on the ally lb and starting fights with someone that barely even has a trillion in allies when that player has done absolutely nothing to you. You sir, are the perfect definition of a bully. Nothing more than a coward that hides behind his credit card. I got news for you, Teja, your credit card doesn't scare me. I'm giving you 24 hours to realize what a douche bag you're being and to change your mind. After that, if you choose to continue on Eagle, I promise to waste every cent of real money you've dumped into this game. Nicht dumm, your 24 hour grace period starts now.

  4. He has spoken.. I'm curious to see if Teja will stop.
  5. This is ****** up. Leave Eagle alone, he needs at least a 2nd chance. Come on.
  6. Support for Iprophet, well said
  7. Wow. Unbelievable Teja jumped 5 ranks up the LB in 2 days. Amazing...
  8. he should enjoy it while he can. gonna be dropping soon
  9. Dearest IProphet,
    guess you forgot some small facts about Pure Evill and what happened to this time. Also I am not bringing up the past.
    Just about you, always you played a double agent, and too many ppl trusted you. I clearly remember you giving SS to T. showing what your clan planned. I am sorry Tornado left the game - guess he never got about your real face.

  10. Btw ... I nearly lost nothing at this day you mean - shows how much you know. LB was updated this time at 8 am - I slept and lots of allies have been sold. So I rehired at 9 am.
    Btw, if you remember how this war started: I wanted to quit and asked to hire my active allies. Then I wanted to hire inactives from weaker ppl. Your clan got this and attacked me when I had a punch of gold out because of this.
    This behavior shows which kind of person you are - the name PE said enough.
  11. Without calling any names:
    I know a story about a car crash, a wife with amputated legs and a dead kid.
    And I also know the story about a healthy and fine family.
    Just want to know which story is true?

  12. Maybe this too is why he said this, he made mistakes too and now he is showing compassion.
  13. Teja,

    Bro you were at ponce respected by many, i just have this one question?\

    What exactly did Eagle do to you? And if he did why make a thread? The PE thing doesn't matter to me even as an old PE member sometimes the past is the past, but you also need to learn what is right to do and isn't. I don't care if you are on the LB or not you do not have the right to judge. Eagle actually has been doing good the past few days even with his mistakes and all the hate. I would love to see you as moderator for 2 reasons.

    1) To watch you fail miserably. You are not respectful to anyone and are a complete attention whore.

    2) To see how you react to the banter YOU would get. Because yes you will have some butt kissers for being "Teja" and you will have the people with sense saying WTF Teja is a Idiot.

    Please save yourself now from this idiocy. Sometimes letting **** go is the best way.
  14. Teja you're full of it....most of what PE did was Tyr's dirty work you little lb fairies didn't want to mess with.

    Nice try with Red, but guess what, he had already left PE prior to you thinking you could stop us, and joined iG.

    The war started cause you were pissed that PE beat all your little German friends from Misfits (Chaotic's old crew). Quit with your crap, we all see though it. You're a 40 year old drama queen dude. it's sad.

    you sure you wanna play this kind of game with me? I'm make you look like more a fool than you ever have yourself. i dare you Mikey, i dare ya.
  15. **** got real
  16. Teja doesn't respond. :roll:

    Damn it i wanted

  17. Now this is loads more fun to read
  18. Lol, sorry but guess you really don't know what you are writing (at least I don't understand you) But before going more in details, we can talk by pm


  19. 2 things.


    2) PM? Are you seriously that big of a coward? Someone that decides that they lost a battle is better than someone that tries with fail comebacks.