OSW against CAS. and friends :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_LetHaL-DaRk_SwAn, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Thank you guys for the support :D

  2. Follow me back 
  3. Lol Clan vs 1 is probably the most pathetic thing I've seen. Yes your protecting your member, but your building a reputation that follows with the words "cowards", "noobs" or "can't fight own battles" personally, just my opinion ofcourse, if you have to have your whole clan to bash someone hard, then why play a war game? Your here to fight, not gang up on 1 account..
  4. You're* and many other grammar mistakes. Brave isn't alone. Ill be fighting along his/her side.
  5. Much support kick some cas ass!!  that almost rhymed  add a s take away the c
  6. Lol nice 

    Support to OP
  7. I've had my run ins with cas.

    Support op
  8. I agree ares, it's pathetic.

    This thread has made my night :lol: calling in friends!! :lol: thats so ridiculous it's unbelievable :lol: i would join a fellow Scot ;) if i wasn't busy myself so best of luck OP :D not that you'll need it for these fairies
  9. Lol have not had a good laugh like that in awhile. Half the supporters and OP are alts hiding. Big warriors there. And thank you for helping clear out the weak. It will help when we have a real opponent. Also anyone who needs to create a fake clan, a fake tag, and seek support from the forum obviously can't war themselves out of a paper bag.
  10. I'm not an alt :p
  11. But your spy D scares me 
  12. Neither am i my alts are secret as they should be
  13. Lol isn't this duscussion a repeat 
    Cr clan farms all the time and when a thread comes out, none of these peeps come out and say jack
    Zaft, IG , BH , Yafi..... But yet u all choose Cas family's issue to support? If your agenst clan farming then be consistent or shut up.
    Otherwise your a free loader that supports with no Merritt 
  14. :p I say this on every thread that comes out :p

    Merry Xmas bro 
  15. Kk, I'll look for your post next time Another "Omg this clans jumping me cuz I'm a noob" post comes out. I seriously doubt your clan would let u put their clan in a war cuz u believe clans should not defend their peeps.
  16. Eh, the 1 v 1 thing is all over every regulator clans wall so it's not just my opinion, but live and let live :p

    Enjoy your holiday 
  17. I'm not an alt either
  18. I'm not agenst 1vs1, but if he draws the attention of Cas, then he did something that he maybe should of thought threw first.
    Cas is one clan of one family. Theirs plenty of ways to draw a cf. I know Cas and they don't jump players unless theirs reason.
    Anyone who disagrees is entitled to their opinion. But state that opinion in every instance. I just seen a thread a few days ago that's just like this. Not one off y'all are in that thread with any believe . Coincidence? Maybe not considering that clan will attack your entire clan for your opinion. Right or wrong so u have no Merritt if your going to post hear but not their.
  19. :p I've hear the story since, and he does warrant a clan farm lol. There are occasion's where it is deserved, note I hadn't posted on the thread since I heard it :)
  20. So because he posts his side of the story it's 100% accurate because no one can say lies on the Internet ? I find this to be very intriguing