Osmon Rai New Levels Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by KiLLeR-THE-Wr3ckeR, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Canadian Competition Bureau-
    Most provinces and territories have laws that protect consumers from unfair or deceptive business practices. Generally, an unfair or deceptive practice takes the form of a claim that would likely mislead the average person or a claim taking advantage of a person's inability to protect their interests during negotiations.

    When you believe you have been deceived, contact the Competition Bureau, the Better Business Bureau or your provincial or territorial consumer affairs office. When the complaint relates to labelling or advertising of food, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

    Consumers are also protected against Misleading Advertising.

    Some feel devs avoiding customer questions and or lack of comment replys is very rude.
    If a product is purchased there needs to be a return policy.
    If advertising to pull you in to purchase doesn't deliver the absolute promise there needs to be a disclaimer.
    The objective to become a top lb player is very expensive and ata needs to publish what a player will need to invest to become lb.
    All good business practices and policies should be readily available to the General Public.

    It may be in the best interest of those feeling coerced to seek retribution.
  2. Kaw/ata is like the government in the south park game: South Park the stick of truth. There scrambling very hard i assume. Tommorrow will not be a good day in Ata head quarters. Good night all and hope Ata people have their jobs tommorrow at this time
  3. KAW could be made to refund all money people have spent on this game. Surely this is a breach of consumer guarantee laws. This product clearly does not match the product description (that has significantly been altered). Hundreds of thousands of wasted dollars to unwitting consumers
  4. Tanking their own game. It's a bold strategy, let's see how it plays out for them
  5. Start a new thread "Sign up for class action lawsuit vs ATA"

    Should be a hit
  6. I think Devs primary focus in on other games. 7 years is a long time. It's really about time the game started to decline. Besides not like any of us will actually quit lol.
  7. plenty of people will quit. i quit after the hoarfrost and the abyss. i wasn't around for the release of the new lands (because i hadn't yet come back from the abyss), or i probably would have quit then.

    probably going to quit again over this. the only difference is that this time, i don't think kaw will still be around when i decide to log back in.
  8. I,for one,would like to commend out tremendous community manager Grant on getting out in front of this and making a statement addressing the situation. Oh,wait...
  9. 20b and climbing. :lol:
  10. 
  11. Round of applesauce
  12. Give him a chance. He's only been lurking forums since the update was released. :lol:
  13. Just so you know ATA. Companies that are responsible for large mess ups generally do what you are doing now, avoid confronting it, and eventually piss of the clientele and get eaten alive by the media. Try being more like Johnson and Johnson was during the Tylenol crisis and get in front of this. Fix it. Apologize. And release content that will bring new players in. I am tired of hearing people say you are catering to the spenders. What you are doing is pissing off the people who spend, discouraging those who don't, and making it nearly impossible for new players to succeed.
  14. I dont post too often now days nor have i read many of the posts, but i agree this dictatorship from the devs is unacceptable!

    If you ever listened or truly communicated with the players you would not have the current outcry.

    This latest release is utter madness! Only a few weeks back you youselves acknowledged the huge gap when u increased the silver bar payout of events. Yet here you go and do this!!!

    You have received many ideas up to this point, yet you continue to encourage the promotion of self centred growth. The core of this community was built on the sense of family and clan. This has been greatly strayed from!

    I dont understand why you have not yet adopted a concept that promotes a clan banding together again (for more then eb's). Instead of the constant repetition of tap tap events or issue plagued wars why has something not been put together that would support the clan as a whole.

    I for one am tired of this pay to play mentality that only benifits your pockets for a short time. You are constantly thinking in such a short term way!

    Im dont want to say im quiting to elicit a response but im feeling extremely small and insignificant as a player,as im sure many are! And i understand why so many have said they are finished with kaw.
    If growth is the point of this game then i cant see the point in continuing, as bc is not going to be attainable without big dollars.

    I think something better must be out there. You devs just arent interested in looking.

  15. I've been working very closely with the developers all night on resolving this issue. As soon as we can we'll provide an update.
  16. I'm glad it has been fixed. Would have been avoided altogether by not releasing unnecessary new levels at all. But hey, I suppose we can always hope for the new content you say you've been working on for...how long now?

    How exactly did something like this manage to slip through the cracks?
  17. can you think of a single thing the devs have done lately that didn't contain a typo?

    they added an extra zero. because their fingers have gotten fat. it's our fault, really. we've obviously been feeding them too much. time to put them on a diet.
  18. Oh by no means am I surprised, Word. Their updates reflect poor testing all the time. We wouldn't be having this conversation if it didn't. And 9 times outta 10 their current event contains content from the one before it.

    They out did themselves today!

    What can I say devs? Disappointed.
  19. Waited 6 hours for a poor ass explanation in too what happened without any mention of those effected by the maintenance whom may have been running crux and what their compensation may be. Stupid.

    Dev's since I can't comment on your threads because you lock them because your scared of the comments, today has been an utter embarrassment and disappointing time for you and I hope you compensate us who were effected appropriately and not just with a xtal or crux.
    There was those who were running crux chests AND Battle cries.
    And also to those who may of been in war during that time, that were affected.

    Would hope too see a thread apologising and actually giving us detail to what will happen going forward.

    Im not impressed along with many others

    /end rant
    Good day️
  20. In our original post on the issue here we mentioned we'll be focusing on additional compensation after we had resolved the issue at hand. We're going to continue to monitor for the time being, but will look at compensation for those using Crux Chests, Anniversary Crux Chests, Battle Cry, Wars, and the like in the morning.

    Today was not one of our proudest moments, and I Know for many players it provided a poor experience. We've spent the entire night working to make sure we restored things to where they should be and hope to be able to gain back your confidence and support in the near future.

    Again, my (and the teams) sincere apologies.