Discussion in 'Guides' started by Nelliel, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. As always Nell well done and thankyou
  2. Great post nel now I don't need to pm you hourly
  3. Nice, nel️
  4. Updated with new stat increases
  5. Total cost of buildings is 18.305T not 18.350T. In addition total lands cost is 47.760T and the grand total for osmon rai is 505.385T. I used the numbers in OP. Thanks for this. Helps me work out my build strat
  6. Great Guide, thanks!
  7. Would it be best to build as many lvl. 1 spy buildings as I can, or build 1 and upgrade it as best as I can?
  8. Personally, while land is a price you can easily afford i'd say buy as much as you can. Though the higher level buildings give great plunder increase so either or tbh.
  9. Updated with new stat increase for level 10 towers.
  10. Thank you
  11. For those in need