
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Who cares why it started or who called in help first or why? It's a war game and we are in a OSW.
    Lets have some fun.

  2. Vicodin I def like your style hun
  3. Its hard to find actives to hit, apologies.

    And pup, that was me who stripped ya, not mega - And I blatantly said it was to get back to max plunder as Os fail stripped and bought my allies while I was online, and your ally was like 50 mil less than what I had out. Figured worse case scenario you'd catch it, at least I didn't lose anything. It wasn't like it was planned and had all of A8 n LSA ready to "wreck this guys max plunder ally". Remember now? We laughed on wall about it then got over it? Don't be a flamer.
  4. Travis you hitting non warring inactives to? Must be as your always DTW 
  5. Jb. Not all of us kaw sober, or care enough to remember every word they've ever said

    If you honestly think I'm such a moron why don't you try to find outI've been decently open with my life and stupidity is not one of the things you'll find much of, mistakes, yeah well find those. Everyone makes em. It happens.

    But you wouldn't know that, you've always been the big man, always had people change fact so you'd be right, never had to work for what it is you wanted, and never been the under dog. There's a reason LSA doesn't surrender. We can't, we've all learned how to go the distance just to break even, so even if we never come ahead the end result is well be happy to have survived and anyone we face losses because no one else will ever go so long without loss, os once fought Yafi for an incredibly long time (their claim to fame) but they lost, they acted admirably by stayig for so long, but the ones who stayed that long aren't exactly the majority of today's OS, those are the only members there worthy of this fight, the rest are quite simple things in the way of our goal, and we reach our goals

    But I'm sure you'll have another under 100 word response to this hoping to convince the ignorant mass that make up the majority of kaw players that you've bested me in an "online battle of wits" and you may even belive yourself, but you won't convince anyone with any brains, and those are the people that matter
  6. I'd like to point out a few things. JHO didn't join the war, two people did after I saw two clans on one as I was admin in A8 so I know. Sic Noc has nothing to do with this war, Osiris just wanted an excuse to bring in a new clan for one member tagged Sic Noc who didn't even join from Sic Noc. We have one intermass account who was here the whole time. Then we've got ~13 lsa accounts. At best it should have been Osiris/Osiris family vs A8. A8 didn't exactly open the floodgates for people to join the war. The people in this war are here because they saw a "war" clan bullying an eb clan. If it takes 5 war clans to take out an eb clan plus the above mentioned then let's go!

    M0nK JHO owner
  7.  dude you no  Osiris did not lose to yafi was cf all around and we made some good friends with in yafi but one thing yafi had over you was they fight not talk  like u lot
  8. LOL

    Thanks for your honesty anyways ;)
  9. You think replying with more words makes you more intelligent? This from a guy who admits he can't remember what he wrote in his previous post? Your admission not mine 

    I actually think it's hilarious that -

    A ) you think you know me well enough to work me out

    B ) you think intelligence is based on a word count

    C ) you actually believe you're relevant

    All this cos you made a monkey out of yourself posting nonsense claims lol. I know more about Aces and it's owners than you think or will ever get told 

    Unfortunately you come across as living proof that morons are usually morons with or without alcohol.

    Your turn - go 

  10. Great post Justin Bieber.

    Your turn - go
  11. Well in all honesty I am here because I love war...I knew nothing of the ins and outs of the war and to this day I do not give a flying toothpaste.....but I have friends on both sides and fully enjoy my newly acquired full news feed and those that have filled it for me.....So in the name of all thats good in kaw osw let us all say....WAR! :twisted:
  12. It's kind of funny that JB wrote a long post detailing why you aren't relevant even if you think your intelligence increases with the word count.
  13. :lol: great comeback with that bieber comment :lol: that made a lot of sense :roll:
  14. Justin Beiber - Travis you genius 

    @ Deni - think I just proved my point hun - get that IQ test drawn up 
  15. Sky just because you have a 16b ally makes you any different then the other pure spies in your clan. You might as well change your build to spy because you sure as hell don't do crap with that attack build.

    Also LSA if you want to "destroy oG" you might as well start with someone who is actually in the alliance, for example me 

    I have been here since day the alliance was created. I am sure if you can take me down you can break us all 

    P.S i don't break easily 
  16. Hahaha! Dog attacked phone!
  17. I'm not saying word count makes you smarter, but being able to actually reply (your last post actually did. Surprise surprise) to the person you're talking to does, so a fair amount of the time a longer post is smarter then a short one, not always though.

    And jb, I know my memory isn't perfect, but as more or less everyone knows by know I've got plenty of reasons for it to be bad
    The fact that a guy with concussions can still keep up with you, only managing to mess up once by forgetting a joke he made, should be an alarm for you, try less kaw and more school or something

    Maybe this will help you guys. I'm EST! I very rarely sleep before 4 am, and I get up at 6 am every day but Sunday. That said my allies are so worthless I won't even stop if I catch your strip have fun
  18. Should Osiris write that up?

    Oh. Jb. If in OSW, who/what should one self pin on? 
    Cause I'm stuck.
    Osiris claims ebs.
    They claim that on my wall...
    Odd. I would have thought the opposing clan...

    Oh well.

    Plz teech meh 2 B ah woahweer?