
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Can't we all just be happy to have something other than an eb to hit lol?
  2. @Val, devils have never been an oG clan. We entered as independent and had our own independent cf. read oG cf thread and look for us.

    What i find interesting is that you in fact were leading an oG clan. And one day you were fighting in war, next time I visit you weren't. That is quite sad.

    I've always thought of you as a friend, but you don't need to talk about things in which you have no clue about.

    And anyone who believes omega is delusional. During my time in lsa, they were in a different osw. When that osw ended they dispersed to go hit Ebs. "Ill fight oG till I retire" is quite a pitiful attempt at making people think you are a relevant in any war you fight with a real clan.

    IDD vs Zerg (LSA vs IDD according to them) SS/FnS/Oulawz/Sicniss vs Zerg (oG vs LSA to them). So I'm sure this will be LSA vs our side.
    After An8 cf, I'm sure omega will even make a "LSA DO NOT CF to DKOD/Os/outlawz" thread. Then we will never get any inc meantime omega plays badass in forums.

    Place bets on omega taking credit and "not cf" but not fighting! 
  3. I wasn't talking about DKOD when I said you left after oG lost..................
  4. Nobody agrees with me that we should just enjoy the fight? What the hell is wrong with kaw these days lol
  5. So I guess Deni didn't get the memo that everything is done on a alliance level these days.
  6. Goliath, best comment ever lmfao
  7. I just want to have fun. Osw is why I play.

    This game is over complicated with clan politics. I don't see any rules bout friends helping friends. Your friends helped you so we helped ours. Don't cry cause Os has better friends than a half active pure spy club.
  8. fun fact. not even close to true. we didn't "break" any 1v1. os family hit because megan couldn't handle her own business. megan realized they were out matched against a8. they called in osiris main. osiris main then called for their allies to send "alts" to assist in the fight. osiris allies have been in this fight from the second week, so don't act like you were just now getting involved.

    AFTER THAT, some of our friends came in to try to even the odds a bit. All fighting from a8. 1 clan. 50ish members.

    then after two months of this, osiris has lost trillions, has had members reset, go inactive, drop tag, and run. so james did just want i predicted he would do: he asked others to try to finish the fight that osiris started.

    want to know the painful truth? osiris is not even a shadow of what they once were.

    bleed on, osiris. we aren't done cutting you yet.
  9. @ sky, typical tough talking 

    Osiris weren't even fighting LSA when some Og clans were, come on at least get your facts straight before you start the 'look how tough I am' rant, otherwise you just look a little stupid.

    And omega - honestly no idea what you're on about but good luck anyway 
  10. The truth is, deni clan was an EB clan. And she wanted to prove that her clan could war. Got some friends to even the odds, thought there may have been a chance they could win the bout. Then Osiris brought in friends and destroyed that chance. Now she is mad because she knows it's useless.
  11. Word - lies

    That is all 
  12. A8 is not outmatched. Numbers only help you for so long but devotion and inability to give up is what shapes the osw's course. Just my two cents worth (my two cents is worth $8.99)
  13. Your annoying. Stop making threads. Stop talking. Just war like they are. Kicking your ass to. Beat them Osiris
  14. couple things. first, we didn't start this war. so the "wanting to prove that her clan could war" thing makes no sense. we are defending ourselves, not claiming to be a great "war" clan.

    second, who said we don't have a chance? we are only outnumber 5 to 1! 
  15. Balto - coming from someone who couldn't hack getting beat on by new age so he had inter mass help. Which went badly
  16. Hmmm Pup Devil in my pm

    "LSA only ones in my news. Mainly Travis "

    And we both know I personally have given you couple thousand losses.

    Brah, I thought we was budz, and you're going so hard out of your way to try n flame the mega. How's it doin' for you?

    I wont take credit away from A8, they're doing awesome, but I wont give less credit than deserved for LSA's contributation.

    I'm done on forums. Cyall on the battlefield.. if you show up.

  17. @ Pup I never asked intermass to help they jumped the gun I do admit I should have left intermass so that they at least wouldn't have jumped into my fight. That part was my bad but if you'll notice I never posted cf thread in new ages name? Doesn't that show you maybe I can handle myself? Anyway after this I'm not going to waste another minute typing a response to your dumb ass.
  18. Omega really? Name 1 just 1 family fighting that is oG. That's right you can't. Get your dunce cap on omega. Go sit in your corner and try to figure it out. When you do come back and tell me. Till the go get back on the short bus you rode in on.
  19. Omega, that was close to the beginning of war. Y'all were doing a great job at hitting me. Especially Travis. As well as a few random bars from others. That was my barely active accnt so I selectively returned you and Travis mainly. Now it's my most active accnts.

    I like you omega, I consider you a friend. BS is BS no matter coming from a friend or enemy. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very outspoken person. Read my posts from first BH LR war. Everyone knows I hated on several BH posts openly and called bs just as I do to everyone. It ain't personal.