
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Have we complained about numbers all we've done is stated they have more people than we do but that won't matter. Stop trying to twist what we say around it won't work as we can see through the constant stream of ******** spewing from your device.
  2. And it seems like you've shut up as you couldn't figure out how to twist my words.
  3. Reread everything balto. You'll see Deni saying everything about #s again like I've said before. Stop the forum warring and hit back. I'm pretty sure no once cares if you have more or they have more. I'm sure zaft didn't complain about UC having more clans than they did or yafi taking on more than one clan..... might wanna rethink it again as you're just making deni and A8 look bad like ark did too
  4. Currently, my newsfeed is all scouts. So.

    I can't prove either way, ATM.

    But when they stop scouting, I'll show you 
  5. Did she complain though?
  6. Yeah balto. Reread from page 1
  7. Frost, I think it's sweet that you are comparing my little eb clan to huge war clans such as Zaft and Yafi :3

    Since they kicked Osiris's ass as well. ️
  8. Yeah I know they did. But did they make a forum complaining deni? Nope they talked in nf and never said a peep in forums
  9. Yet, we seem to be able to accomplish both tasks.

    Kick Os ass in news feed and in forums.
    Double win for me
    Keep feeding me compliments.
  10. But

    War forums glorify OSW.
  11. Osiris don't post forums ya goof. And I'm pretty sure they are hitting just as you are. So far your "EB clan" is a joke deni. If y'all wanted this clan to clan don't whine to LSA or ask hire help. But EB fairies wouldn't understand :) keep feeding Deni. If y'all are so big and bad and think you're winning. Tell LSA and ya hired help to hit the road and I'm sure Osiris will too than have a clan on clan. See who's the winner then
  12. Lol. If someone hates Osiris, who am I to turn them away?

    Who is to say they wouldn't go home and keep hitting?

    Oh. And NO ONE makes forums.
    We make threads. And comments. 
  13. lovely, didnt you just ask for cf terms earlier?
  14. Just wanna know what they want, now that they know I ain't apologizing for things I didn't do. Lol
    Unless you are referring to the DKOD member, whom SAID A8 beat Osiris. In which case, he offered me terms. To which I declined.
    Feel free to try again. ️
  15. Been here since near the start. Received return hits from maybe 3 osiris members, then they stopped. Silence. Now I got a nf full of outlaws and dkod. Interesting. And frost? What are you on about? Did you not get enough affection as a child? Looking for some attention? How about you grow a pair and nut up?
  16. this.


    so much sense. omg omg omg. its like talking about war in a war game in the war section of the area set aside for talking about the game is something that normal people who haven't been peer pressured into bizarre codes of conduct would do! :shock:
  17. I think I just watched word fangirl over that...
  18. that was; indeed, the effect i was going for.
  19. That was indeed what happened.
  20. Oh boy.

    So anyways.

    Did DKOD disappear cause they are reevaluating all their members connections to me?

    Cause like.. They should. 