Theres -wig- then WiG(iG) sub or former sub. Idk if its active but yeah theres my 2 cents for the wig deal lol
There are plenty of you my size. The Inc I was getting has stopped and at this point, I'm regenerating to full troops, unloading on my targets and storing the gold earned in bronze bars. I've actually placed a building down in my kingdom and upgraded it after my strip. GG Osiris ^.^
Wow didn't know there were rules on threads so sorry but talking about how great deni is and aces and eights is a short lived conversation.
Yes dmd there is rules on forums, sadly. But we must listen to op or get a forum ban and blah blah blah. @the account that said i'm new, i've played for a little over a year. Only know bits and pieces.