
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Would not bother jb let them get on with it A8 won't last ️
  2. Banana guy, this is kaw, no one ever has anything important to say duh 
  3. I've lost all respect to Osiris. Fight real. What faggots.
  4. Can.someone.summarize the entire 69 pages for me?
  5. Sure

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
  6. A lot of off topic stuff, a few pages of whining about being outnumbered and other nonsense that makes this a best of candidate.
  7. well, me posting on this thread is what added value to it.
  8. you folks can think whatever you want. the point of this thread was to show that folks like james and megan will act tough, talk big, and then go get someone else to clean up the **** that came spewing out of their mouths. we aren't whining. but keep towing that line, doesn't really matter to us. enough people have enough sense to see the way things really are. not too concerned with a few parrots that want to pretend that this is something other than what it is.
  9.  That last post was a just a waste of words.
  10. ugh. please. one use of that joke per thread. you have no idea how many times i have heard it.
  11. Can you turn on auto-capitalization word? Improper grammar.
  12. i am afraid we cannot get rid of god because we still believe in grammar. - nietzsche
  13. IMO..... Good for Osiris. They have people that they can call in to help them out... Good for them.. However, my massive respect goes out to my fellas in A8, keep on doing what you guys are doing
  14. Purr and Ragnook
    Please leave my thread for off topic posts.
  15. Lovely - I find your forum threads boring and trivial just like your clan. However, you've asked nicely.

    Ragnook out ️
  16. Den why don't you just reset and go play pims starting get fed up with you

  17. Ahhhh Jb you know I will still be here keeping on keeping on....ya know :cool:
  18. actually a couple of them have run...
  19. Nah carnage not tried but was sleeping. :) and its funny to see how people get so fluster over inc and getting gang banged xD makes me laugh. Missy just enjoys having her pm blown up with people crying being sit on by me xD as for A8 lube up its gonna be a long war for ya