
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. trolls gonna troll. want to know a secret? aces n eights didn't hire lsa.
  2. Why do you need math? Whoever makes the others give up because they aren't having fun anymore wins. That all you need.
  3. You're the one who seems mad. That comment about sucking Deni, real mature. I don't know Deni very well, we last conversed well over a year ago before today. No, not bored with my stats. As stated before, I logged on after a year of inactivity and spontaneously joined this osw out of boredom. Boredom not for my stats, but truthfully, because my WoW account was frozen. I couldn't care less about the PvP aspect of this game. It's no more to me than just pressing a button when I have a bit of free time. Try again.
  4. i agree. but my defense of math is entirely unrelated to the osw. i just find it offensive when people warp something as pure as simple mathematical principles to suit their own propaganda.
  5. Yep. Who cares what math anybody has. Just go hit each other until one of you gives up.

    It's simple.
  6. Osw presses buttons too. So good one xD and trolling no word. If you like I'd wake up my statless alt for ya and do it ;) y'all just making A8 look bad like kratos said. Run home to ya momma before you bite off more than you can chew
  7. I agree with machine just show up in peoples nf and stop being a forum warrior
  8. says the guy arguing with me in the forums.
  9. Frost bite get some stats
  10. Why can't we post while hitting?

    Am I supposed to just sit here and wait for regen peacefully in my cc?
    Waiting the 5 minutes without stating that Osiris is a bunch of cowardly "warriors"?
  11. Never at any point did I say osw wasn't "pressing buttons too".
  12. Kratos I got stats bub if ya main isn't top50lb then you can hit me
  13. Deni everybody knows you just run your mouth xD
  14. They comment all the time about my failed hits.
    How can you say I just post on threads? :cry:
  15. Don't call out other people about running their *fingers when you've been doing the same to me and others.
  16. Arkane get stats then talk
  17. Only reason they comment is because you keep going on about it here hun. Think about it. One person whining or keep going on about it as y'all call it makes em wanna keep going on and on. Its simple talk in newsfeed
  18. Don't call me Hun. The name is reserved. :)

    I'd prefer "Os Slayer", if that name is still available ;)
  19. Kratos i haven't ee in over a month. And my build isn't made for ee wars. So keep that statless talk coming ;) makes me wanna sip my kool aid more :D and ark if you wanna represent A8 grow some more and hit harder