
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Actually Osiris can handle their own Im ab ex Osiris member and I can vouch for Osiris. Everyone knows if you hit Osiris family Osiris is going to get involved. So let me see while I sip my kool aid. And look. LSA got involed and hire folks to help. <----- kinda desperate eh?
  2. Statless alt derails thread for no credibility (LSA and hired help makes An8 look weak) <---- on topic
  3. "a statless alt gives your post no credibility"

    People type and post with their fingers, a keyboard and the send button, coming up with whatever they type with their brain. People do not type with their stats, press their stats to send and relay that message with their stats. If someone wants anonymity, so be it.
  4. LSA and hired help?
    Someone was terribly misinformed.

    And any statless alt doesn't lessen the creditability. Trolls do.

    Oh. And Osiris can handle themselves...
    If they call in about 150 other people to help.
  5. "ex" osiris member. the osiris of today isn't the osiris of the past.

    and what are you saying? that we shouldn't have hit back when osiris family started hitting us? that makes NO sense. at all.

    as for folks joining us? we were outnumbered and being attacked by two clans. we were still outnumbered after those folks joined us. how is it "desperate" to invite help when you are outnumbered but perfectly fine to call in help when you are the ones that have superior numbers?

    seriously...are you high?
  6. Once again with the numbers deni. If you can't put up with the big dogs than do everyone a favor and shut up babe. Just making yourself look like a attention spaz who rages on her own thread because they tried to strip an os member and get hit back for it then tried to recruit them ? Hmmmm. Terribly miss guidied little ole me.
  7. Doesn't matter who brought who into war first does it? Even if Osiris did bring in help first A8 decided to bring in a SMALL amount of people. If A8 brought people in first it's there fault for not thinking when Osiris brings people they don't just bring 10.

    Osiris can hold their own, possibly the point of more people was to make the war speed up and hope for you to CF faster? Maybe it will end in a mutual CF or Osiris CF WHO KNOWS!

    Either way I don't think James cares. He's a tough strawberry :mrgreen: 
  8. So you are admitting that y'all called in others. Osiris and Osiris family are the same. Main and sub. You hit one you get both. I wouldn't call that outnumbered. Yes Osiris today isn't the same than what it was in past. But its still Osiris and trust me if I was high you would know
  9. They're high on ignorance.
  10. No y'all dumb on stupidity
  11. Please use at least fair grammar and sentence structure if you're going to insult us.
  12. Arkane stay off this thread before you embarass A8 even more
  13. Ark if you weren't in osw I'd fill ya nf cupcake :*. And stay one topic with it. As it seems y'all are making this a big deal and that deni members are the only real ones complaining about this. So as I can say for everyone on Kaw. Go a pair on balls and show in their nf. This forum really wasn't needed but whatever floats ya boat newby noobs :)

  14. Don't know who you think you are. I post where I want, when I want, and what I want. The only person who can legitimately make that request is Deni, the op. On the second part of your post, I post as -Arkane-, not A8.
  15. Does anyone hear that? Maybe its a ghost speaking up here............

    Nope still all talk
  16. Your ignorance is clouding multiple things. Clouding to a point where you think the forum browsers need to be able to hear the words I type.

    1. they hit us. i'd love to hear how you would have handled that. sit back and take it?
    2. numbers have a value that isn't changed by words, no matter how many times you repeat those words. 2 ≠1 & 70 > 50
  17. Gayness is bliss
  18. Ark you mad bro? Maybe you're bored with your stats and have not many targets right? I'm sure when you stop sucking on deni tit and getting babied you'd see that this is a lose cause on y'alls part and go get your balls back ;) sound good. I'm sure there near the place called I don't care and by the town called cry my a river.
  19. Word I would of kept in within A8 and not be a little WUSS and get hired people to help. Like what does that gain you?