
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. This all stemmed from that? Thought I've seen it all.
  2. Awww poor Deni the angel

    Never lies
    Never does wrong
    Always picked on

    Poor diddums 
  3.  love it JB 
  4. First off wordwaster there has been no complaining from Devils on this thread. Instead of sitting around and taking all these incoming. How bout you grow some balls and fight back. But I guess only way I see you all trying to fight back is on walls and forums. Devils stay off this crap from here on out. Let's just smash these morons and let them see devils in NEWSFEEDS ️
  5. Well I left Os Fam after the last big OSW ended. I'm just not cut out for peace time but still had connections there. From what I gather about 5 people started hitting Deni and Words alts a bit for what Inferno said but the ones I knew were not involved. Then An8 did a strip on an Os council member then made a thread talkin crap and so it became a whole Os issue. The main problem is An8 thought of Os Fam as a separate clan when really it's kind of a proving ground before getting Os tags. I never got to go to main during the Zaft/UC then WDGAF/oG continuation because I could have been a mole I suppose. Os tags are Osiris wherever they are. I'm just not a tag kinda wererat. Oh I stopped hittin yer peeps for now Deni you have enough on yer plate but I'm always lookin for trouble so if anyone wants to tussle hit me 
  6. Lol this better then TV den you piss every one off with you 24/7 crying
  7. heres the thing. thats not true. other than us stripping megan. that part was true. all of osiris family was hitting all of aces n eights. and we didn't make a thread until AFTER osiris main joined to try to clean up megan's mess. this nonsense about them joining the fight BECAUSE of that thread is just another lie told by james. take a look at my wall. i marked the first hits from osiris main. all of osiris started hitting the next day. now go take a look at the date that thread was made.

    wordwaster = makes a point of not saying things that i can't back up with facts.
  8. :lol: you are just so over the top. sorry dude. there are 5 of you folks for every one of us. we can't quite manage to give everyone some lovins. cuz math. i literally couldn't hit everyone in every clan once per hour. imma stick to hitting my os targets. you keep talking big though. it makes me giggle.
  9. Words the one sounds like he's a badass. XD An8 ain't ready for it
  10. don't mistake "knowing kaw is a game" for "pretending to be fearless".
  11. So if Kaw is a game then why not have deni stop her whining and raging about things and show up in peoples nf? Forums is for the attention seekers aka deni. So if you are fearless. Than kodus to you. But as for deni she makes y'all look like little babies. IMO
  12. Why are you in forums then? A bit hypocritical.
  13. More statless alts^
  14. Yet you still keep talking.
  15. If you didn't know, there is this magical thing called regen, and people usually visit forums while they wait for it... so it's not like an OSW warrior can't visit forums after pinning either themselves or another person waiting for them to regen.
  16. Let me say what I said on page 35 again.

    If you complain about being stacked against in osw, you don't deserve to win.

    So please, take your fight out of the forums because it won't get anything done except make you look dumb.
  17. What does them being statless alts have to do with this thread?


    Get out
  18. Coming from a statless alt pretty much cupcake. :* show me that main ;)
  19. think you may have taken a sip of the kool aid, frosty. just because they say she isn't hitting, doesn't mean she isn't hitting. they say lots of things.

    and i strongly disagree with you about what the forums are for and lovely's reasons for making this thread. the forums are for kawmmunity kawmmunication. and lovely just wanted kawmunicate to everyone that osiris can't handle their own business despite their self proclaimed "war god" status and despite the fact that they already had superior numbers. i know that trolls are gonna be trolls. but thats just the truth. painful though it may be to some.
  20. A statless alt gives your post no credibility.