
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Oh sweetie... I have ss's... . But I don't know you. Don't particularly know A
  2. Actually I'm pretty sure elegance said he had the misfortune of actually seeing them - not heard a story........

    Suppose Osiris made that one up too huh?? 

    I heard if you take the name Wordwaster, take away some letters, add a few and mix them up you get the word G U L L I B L E

    It's true try it 
  3. Aces and eights. So I've been minding my own business. Lol haven't rushed to you with proof because I frankly don't really care. 
  4. wow. just wow. "oh proof exists but i can't be bothered to prove it".
  5. What ya need to prove it for?

    Come on seriously you actually THAT naive you believe it never happened?

    I ain't saying it did or didn't but there's one way to be sure...... GO ASK 
  6. i have heard enough lies told about lovely; lies that i know for a fact to be lies, to not trust anything anyone on kaw says about her. why would i believe you over her?
  7. Now, on the housewives of Beverly Hills!
  8. I'm new hire me
  9. I swear that wasn't censored a year ago. *get the **** out
  10. Respect and support to A8 
  11. I like sugar and I like tea but I don't like deni; no siree. There's too lone things that'll make me puke, that's a hog eatin slop and a forum noob! You know, I show it, like a barnyard rooster ill crow it. And the An8 clannies, would sure like to get a hold of a deni-hating me. Roses are red and violets are blue and deni's a noob, you know that's true. But she don't mind cause what the heck, you gotta be dumb to make this ol' thread. I'm broke, no joke, I ain't got a nickel for a coke, and I ain't a noob you see, so forums won't help poor deni hating me.
    Deni belle, deni belle, where are you?
    Out here in the forums crying about you
    Deni belle deni belle, come out?
    No I'm scared of the devils way down south!

    For those of you who don't know the original song, it's quite funny. Here's my remix!
  12. What the **** happened here?

    You wanna talk about ME being an E-whore?
    Then get the **** off my damn thread.

    Ask Megan what happened last time this topic was brought up. Because I'm pretty damn sure she dropped the ******* rumor pretty damn fast.

    Stay on topic or get off. Thread is being monitored.
  13. Not asking you to believe me, I said go ask lol

    @Val - perfect description 
  14. Forum rage right there  
  15. You wanna see rage?
    Just me. You've seen nothing.

    Catch me in the morning, before some caffeine, during a manic bipolar mood. You'll see rage.
  16. Stop posting off topic posts
  17. It's on topic.

    I'm staying nothing I've stated in this thread is "rage"ful.

    I then went on to show when I rage.
  18. If I was Deni's therapist i'd probably contemplate eating 100 bars and hope shes gone by the time I came to
  19. Your thread is a complaint about "fairness", how is rage related