
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Oh Wormie. no one is better at staying pinned than you. Or getting pinned.

    Someday they will stop your meds and let you actually see reality, instead of the little bubble you live in. You crave attention , it's clear by the amount of trolling you do and you try to disguise it by projecting that craving onto others. It's semi-amusing.
  2. You two
    I have no problem with this banter.
    But can you keep it semi related to the topic?
    Don't want a derail. ;)
  3. He is good at de-railing. It's the only way to get attention and share the fairytale world in lives in.

    I'm off this thread - good luck to both sides ️
  4. Let them dance deni
  5.  im much more stable then you i need no beams i can stand by myself without half the **** you do so until you can say the same stop talking about the old me and your important to force into retirement because im sick of you causing things and ruining my friendships its sad when you must pay to recieve help in an osw that you will never win
  6. I don't like you.
    I don't talk to you.
    I don't talk about you.

    how the **** am I ruining your anything? :lol:

    You and Megan.
    Like twins.

  7.  im more real then you so before you go throwing insults around like a butthurt little girl and call ur clan to hit me because you obviously are too scared think before you talk but wait thats never been your stron point
  8. Who is hitting you?
    Cause it's not A8. 
  9. no one thats why i cry myself to sleep JK i want inc but of course your too scared to hit back jus like your too scared to try to find love IN REAL LIFE NOT THROUGH A DAMN GAME
  10. Black you really think you have a chance I mean wow what's the world come to she would chew on you n spilt your bones out no problem
  11.  yea right i taught her kaw
  12. i can beat her any day because i am a warrior not a little *****
  13. If you like to have inc I could sit on you for the week
  14. I'm sorry.
    Do you really wanna talk about this here?
    Cause we can. I can find a way to keep it war related too.

    Show everyone your crazy side.
    How you are a little ******* stalker.

    You do NOT wanna go down this road, DC.

    Want inc? Hit someone who isn't on CA targets.
    Want a hint? We all are on CA targets.
    Because you aren't worth the free app of KaW.
    Shut up, or stay on topic. Already reported some off topic posts, and I would LOVE a reason to nail your ass to that wall.
    You know. The one with my name in it?
  15. Lol I used to be Osiris and The OutlawZ... But had issues, I'm actually disappointed to see them do this, they used to actually war and not try and gang bang their enemies. I'm meaning exactly all the disrespect to Osiris and The OutlawZ, just for them turning into pansies. Now if Osiris ask it's allies to drop from war, I would possibly have slightly more respect for them. But until that moment, I'm sure most of the 40 pages of comments are dissing this alliance of 250(or near their I believe). My fullest support goes to A8 just for not calling in allies. This war reminds me of the AoW vs TUNE OSW. 200 against 40, seems fair. Clans just aren't even worthy of OSW anymore... Go A8!
  16. Omg. Report off topics deni really? What I hate about osw is the I'm right your wrong banters in forums. Just shut up and fight this is a war game on a device. 
  17. Off topic.
    As in not about this war. Or even about war.
  18. please do im bored ill hit u during and after this osw i will not stop unless u retire or im banned. and i am on osiris' side ive offered my services anytime they want because i despise your clan that much and please where do you wanna do this its entertaining me
  19. Emeth are you blind??? Before we jumped in, there were already members of Justhanginout and LSA in A8.

    Lovely, why don't you get off forums and return the inc I've been giving you?
  20. shes paid people to help in this osw and its hilarious how desperately shes trying to win even osiris alone could destroy her clan