
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. It's awful. 
  2. Its game every thing is allowd n possible here so enjoy this dont cry.its my opinion may some denied this fact but most accept it.
  3. @arkane i totaly support osiris and btw you also suck @ahsan pls zipp it
  4. Ewww mutual cf, i was expecting apology thread cf terms pfftt
  5. Enjoy your ban good sir.
  6. William, please leave my thread for breaking ToU.
  7. Clumsy I can make you post a cf thread for me if you like ;)

  8. A list of noobs.
  9. This is what alliances are for. Allies are there to help you in war. You fight one, you fight all. Make your own alliance if you think it's unfair.
  10. :roll:

    Apparently Osiris couldn't handle them if they needed to call for help from their allies.
  11. Why does Osiris need help?

    After all... We are just a small little eb forum fairy clan. Right?
  12. Just curious. How much has A8 stripped?
  13. Iori- 850B
    Megan- 500B

    I'm in class and don't have me list with me. But that's what I have from the top of my head.
  14. Osiris bullies how dare y'all pick on folks
  15. We prefer to call them prideful cowards, thanks.
  16. So what clans are involved in this osw from both sides? I'm not reading through all the bs thx in advance
  17. perm farm dtw :( lovely why u no let me hit u?  scared girl?
  18. I'm sorry.
    I know what I'm doing
    And i don't hit people that aren't important.
    People that are ******* INSANE.
    And should live in a god damn mental institution.
    People that are fake. And insecure about their own faults, and need to lean on other people for the support.

    And when the support beams leave, you come crumbling down.
  19. Wow. I respected Osiris :lol::
  20. Hotshot, if you won't read up, why should I respond?