
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Hate to be that guy but technically they were on topic
  2. Never mind I was looking at the wrong post
  3. Balto, pretty sure what she said about the builds was not on topic. If she wants to bash, take it to walls. :)
  4. Lol way to make me look stupid Balto -_-
  5. Just doing my job.

  6. If you were on forms frequently you idiot you would have realize she has not made a thread in awhile beside this one. STFU and move on... if you don't like reading the posts I enjoy a good war thread.
  7. And the thread jobs I'm paid to do*^
  8. Hitler had a good sized army, he murdered millions, destroyed so many. Same as the USA lol. Are we not a warring country? Don't be mad cause you're on the receiving end of an ass whoopin lovely...
  9. @ Igcb She's not receiving anything near the ass anytime soon trust me ;) I'll take my forum ban with dignity :cry:
  10. Also deni please don't read that :lol:
  11. Word will be the judge of that, Balto.
  12. Thanks, boys.
    My ass is fine as is. Thanks for the attempt of support.
    I think.
  13. In my defense I've been listening to the same song on a Loop for 72 hours it's starting to get to me
  14. Strawfairy James is soft. He ran Osiris into the ground. Why do you think all the big accounts like Nckz left? He is a joke

    The Outlawz are dummies too.. They let HoG and sicniss run oG straight into the ground in their last war. Good job Outlawz you believed all those teenagers that run lead sicniss and actually trusted poppa bear :lol:
  15. Denis ass is butthurt
  16. The fact that Osiris needs the Scoutlawz to take on Deni's noob clan is embarrassing for both of them.. its also an indication of how crappy both of those families have become
  17. If you need to call in back up to take on a clan of 53, your not only a coward, but also a wimp. You can't call yourself a warrior. Osiris is giving theirselves a bad name all by themselves.
  18. TRASH A8 OSIRIS!!!!!!!!!! make em all reset!!!!!!!
  19. Meow. Oh wait. War thread...oops...