
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Can you join Osiris, Dom.
    Maybe I'd get some Os inc.

    I scroll through my news, and see mostly DKOD, a couple Outlawz, and NO ONE in A8 is taking Os inc. 

    Then again, I DO get most my inc while I sleep.
    And even then.. Just attacks.

    Not even a strip 
  2. Think I waste my troops on you. You pay rubbish with your lil noobs stats I'll be eb fairy it pays better trust me if I hit your news feed your no bout it your all trolls who fight here with words
  3. Hey. I'm not the word waster here.
  4. We'll said epic ️
  5. You haven't been on recently then. Cause I haven't been on recently. 
  6. War has been going on for 2 months, and you're still sitting on over a tril in allies?

  7. I'm finding it super entertaining that someone who was in OSW for like a second and then ran with his tail between his legs, is suddenly an expert.  And yes, this is the perfect emoji.
  8. Ikr?

    Here's the thing.
    I owned Word.
    Some dude in Os Fam PMed me.
    Made sure I was awake and online.
    Bought word.
    I bought back.
    Volleyed him outta my range.
    I cleared 2 banks and bought a clannie.
    And possibly a pretty new bomb.
  9. yeah that was weird. then he reset and left me with no owner for a bit. did he ever give a reason for any of that?
  10. Ok guys lets start focusing on the osw again we've had our fun.
  11. :lol: ironic

    Applegirl you self pinned your way thru your first osw and ran your mouth all over forums crying for attention. Once it was over you were suddenly an expert and calling everyone noobs... I have read thru your wall comments and its easy to see that you do not understand this game. You are a huge joke that has to lie to people on the internet so that they give you attention.

    How long have you been with LR again? :lol:
  12. You can't be on forums and hit people at the same time?

    I've been warring while this threads up.
  13. Mr. Statless alt.

    I'll warn you like I warned people earlier.
    Keep it relevant.
  14. Lmao... This thread is funny. Mainly cause deni is so upset 
  15. I wouldn't call it upset funny how people add emotions to typed out words.
  16. Your entire original post is sliming with ""
  17. Balls? (Yes she may.. that would explain some things)

    You have no right to talk about balls.. You're an SH, the biggest coward build in the game.. At least statless has swag.. your build is just a gay way to war
  18. "Obama".
    Post on topic or leave my thread.
    Last warning.