And to this I say..... I don't always eb.....but when I do its when I pinned, potless and in the middle of an osw.....
Pain, I'm not trying to he your pin. As long as you are repinning yourself on my worthless BH tagged personal meat shield I'm fine I'm more than happy to use other accnts on clannies. Not much difference in you self pinning and me sitting on you like last night
:lol: pup come on now....You know ill hit all your accounts....just fail one time so I can catch them and I got you
Two sides, no? But one "sign up sheet" according to you, it seems. I've seen complaints about the outnumbering but you pretty much just asked me to join the other people ^.^
Awww you wanna roll with Pain? I must warn you I am severely hated and you would not get a warm welcome at all.... :shock:
I'm bored, patient and I don't give a **** about what happens to my newsfeed or my allies. I'd side with anyone at this point.